Axel the Alligator

Characters for a game concept intended to be as self indulgent as possible. Everyone is a reptile wearing a jacket and gloves. The gameplay style is meant to be a cross between 3D Collectathons and Turn Based RPGs. The music and aesthetics are cool as fuck and the stories are all over the top and edgy where they fight crazy huge monsters.

The stories take place on a planet inhabited solely by Reptile people of all sorts of shapes and sized. In this world, mammals and most other species are all just regular animals. These reptiles live average lives, working, playing, and having crazy adventures all over the place. The main characters are Axel the Alligator and his friends and rivals, all living in or around Meteor City! But often their adventures call them to various locations and see them fighting many wild villains from across this alternate universe!

Meteor City is built on the remains of the meteor meant to wipe out the dinosaurs, but accidentally just barely missed a full collision and instead just kinda sadly scraped into the edge of the planet. The ground zero was still a harsh wasteland for many years, but is now a beautiful and bustling cityscape with gorgeous plant and animal life. The capital skyscraper is even built directly on top of the meteor itself!