Lux Tenebris

"Light Dark"

This folder is for my Void and Sun kitty-cats.


Sun Kitty loves Void Kitty,

Void kitty doesn't like Sun kitty,

but now and again... 

these two seem almost like friends!


Void kitty doesn't hate the sun kitty, 

it's just due to them being made up of shadow/darkness/etc, 

well that doesn't mesh with light very well, which sun kitty gives off constantly. 

While void kitties are seen as omens and show up often just before a bad event, 

the sun kitty is seen as a warm bright blessing of the good times to come! 

You can see them often during times of great joy like at a wedding or the birth of a new life, etc. 

The two, like the seasons, are part of the great cycle of the natural world.

While they can never touch, they never stop trying to show that they care in their ( unique ) own ways.