Deux Terra

Deux Terra


Deux Terra is a world where humans live alongside people known as Subcinctus and hybrida, or Shifter and hybrids for short. Of course, there is conflict, and the three are in a constant struggle to get along in this strange place.


. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.

. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.

. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.


Kahsi Sokolov

Main Protag of DT; Rockstar / Lead Vocalist/Guitarist

Collin Villalobos

Main Protag of DT; Engimatic / Government Scientist; Shifter Rights Activist

Sachiko Fujilonaiche

Main Protag of DT; Assassin / Ex Police Detective; Assassin for Noctua-Omnia


Shawn Jun

Main Protag of DT; Criminal / Ex-Barista; Spy for Noctua-Omnia

Blair Castillo

Main Protag for DT; Bad Blood / Ex-Retail; Gang Leader

Yasu Maedu

Main Protag of DT; Flight / Ex-Tech support, member of Scarlet Wing


role / job


role / job


[ Subcinctus ]

Subcinctus is the more scientific term for shifter, meaning "to shift", they are the most common form of the base family of shifter, consisting of most of the shifter population. They feel no pain when transforming and do so rather quickly, but are weaker than hybrids in brute strength. Though, it's said that they are more "in-tune" with their counterparts.

  • Shifters are more in common with lycanthropes than shape-shifters, only having two forms and mixtures in between them.
  • Because of their lineage, most shifters often have longer lifespans than humans, however they also have diseases and poisons that only harm them and not their counterparts.
  • Shifters are the refined sibling of hybrida, and therefore are more stable when in their other form. However, there is a state where they are similar to hybrids, but this is often a rare form for shifters to be in.

[ Hybrida ]

Hybrida is the more scientific term of hybrid, which is self explainatory. Hybrids are still in the shifter branch, but they are much rarer. This is because their roots are closer to the first "shifters" than the modern day shifters, and because of this, their form is more unstable...but powerful.

  • Hybrids's other form is a mixture of their human and animal form, most considering it an "abomination" when one transforms.
  • Unlike shifters, when they transform, there is no numbing agent that is released so they do feel pain. They are also more instinct driven, but still keep their human intelligence.
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[ Emotion Chip ]

Otherwise known as "calming" device, this device is often found in both shifter and hybrid's necks from a very young age, as the device shows their current emotional level with colors (Blue/Green/Yellow/Red/Black), when it in reality checks the chemical released by the two during high levels of stress.

  • The creation of this device was made in between the North-South Junctus war, as a form of protection to protect traumatized shifter soldiers from "themselves" and the people around them. This then became widespread due to its' so-called proficiency.
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[ TERM ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate.

  • write some extra notes here
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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

-Dark Modern Fantasy

-Mature Themes

-Multi-Arc story

Not recommended for those under 16+