
The Royals.

Royal Lore. 

 the royals were made by Maia once she created the world, the purpose of the royals was to protect the realm and keep peace within the world.
She made:
- The Ceali royals, who protected the North, mountains and frozen wastelands.
- The Terra Royals, who protected the east, grasslands and woodlands.
- The Ignis royals, who protected the south, deserts and jungles.  
- And the Ama royals, who protected the west, rivers and forests.

for many generations these packs lived peacefully, and did their duty protecting the lands, but one day the alpha of the Ignis pack grew greedy, and arrogant, he believed the Ignis pack was superior to the others, the Ama pack was the first to notice this and grew tired of the Ignis alphas domineering ways. The alpha of the  Ignis pack grew in numbers, and over time they began to forget their purpose, and in their ignorance looked down on the other packs for not using their royal powers to their full potential, nor did he think they deserved their gifts from the goddess. They demanded the other packs follow them in their rise to greatness, wanting to control the world, not protect it. After the Ignis pack failed to rally the rest of the royals, their rage grew. 

It wasn't long before the Ignis pack began to systematically wipe the other families out, starting with the Ama pack. They attacked viciously and without mercy,  many fell under their claws. It was an act of war that rocked the very earth of Arilyan. In an attempt to salvage what was left of their family, the last surviving Ama pack split in two to go seek help from the other packs, one to the north and one to the east. Knowing they'd be next, the Caeli pack agreed to help in the fight, but the same could not be said for the Terra. They refused and fled to the Gold Mist Vale, putting a spell on Storm Rock Pass as they hid within, a spell meant to only allow those worthy of passing through the mist to find them.

The Ama and Caeli pack rallied to a large meadow near by, and waited. They knew the Ignis pack would have gone to find the Caeli pack next but, finding them gone, would make there way to the Terra pack after. They set up an ambush, planning on stopping them in a final attempt to rebalance the world, but as night arrived, and the Ignis pack approached, they realized how wrong they were. 

The Ignis pack was double the size of what was left of the Ama pack and the Caeli pack put together. Having collected disenfranchised solitary grans, and the worse creatures Arilyan had to offer, the Ignis was more powerful than before. To make matters worse, all hopes of an ambush were lost as the young ones watching in horror from the tree line were spotted. To save them, the Ama and Caeli leaders approached, drawing their attention away from the young ones, and on them instead.

The Ignis leader gave them one last chance to join them in their quest to take over the whole of Arilyan, but the Ama pack and Caeli stayed true. With this, the battle began. It was one of the most savage battles of all time, granthrows fell left and right, roaring could be heard for miles around, and the air was so heavy with the smell of of blood, scavengers traveled from far and wide to feast on the remains of Maia's fallen.

But all was not lost. No one knew if it was just luck, or if Maia really was smiling down on them this night, but the Ama pack and Caeli pack triumphed. The few surviving Ignis survivors scattered in to the night, but this was not a joyous  victory. Many had lost their lives, leaving many cubs motherless, females mateless, and elders had to watch their children die before they. 

They lay and cleaned their wounds for a time, resting and healing from the ferocious battle, and as the sky begun to lighten, the alpha of the Caeli pack called to all who could still move, to help drag all the fallen up to the Oak tree. The packs laid their loved ones to rest. One of those who had fallen was the Ama pack, an alpha who had given his life to save the Alpha of the Caeli pack. As the sun rose, painting the sky a deep blood orange, it shown on the hill of the once proud alpha, as if reflecting on the events of the night passed.

Once all the bodies lay under the Oak, all the Royals sat and sang the songs of their ancestors, and the meadow became known as the "Royalfall Meadow", and the oak tree that grew from the bodies of the fallen became The Oak of Sorrow, or some call it the Red Oak, as the leaves that produce are a deep red, a memory of the blood spilled upon the earth in the name of peace.

The Royals now. 

The royal Ama pack is now ruled by Thamani (mani) along with his son Malaki. For now the royals are at peace, most of the Ignis no longer exist and those that still bare the Ignis royal marking are in hiding in fear they may be killed. The Terra royals still hide within the Gold mist vale, they have gotten comfortable in there, and prefer the safety. The Caeli royals are still devoted to the Ama royals for their past sacrifice, and will often visit each other.