





Viktor Novikov


Viktor Novikov is the head archivist at The Wandering Hollow Institute. His speciality lies in entomology and cryptozoology. He often records and organises the statements and artefacts that have been brought into the institute to help piece together the puzzle of the other plane.


Ciar Rose


Ciar Rose is one of the Archival assistants at The Wandering Hollow Institute. She takes in person statements and occasionally take part in investigations. She isn't exactly a believer in the paranormal but the job pays well and provides her with much needed excitement in her otherwise boring life.


Elgar Pryce


Elgar Pryce is the head of the investigation team at The Wandering Hollow Institute. He is a firm believer in the things he investigates. Unfortunately he is incredibly disturbed by blood and gore, which is a large portion of his job. 

The Wandering Hollow Institute

Located in a small, unnamed town in Walesdfp2uxk-df442482-1466-4d04-97b4-8e4bd6e5

The Wandering Hollow Institute is an institute dedicated to the study of the paranormal and locating the source of the strange occurrences that have been happening in their area lately. They believe that a rift between their world and another had been accidentally opened somewhere in Wales. Using the statements provided they hope to find their way closer to the answer.

The institute has a strange aura around it, some believing that the building itself is apart of the other world as well, since it had reportedly appeared out of nowhere about the same time the strange things started happening. No one is sure who started the institute or who currently runs it, but they are the only ones trying to figure out these mysteries.


THE OTHER REALMdownload_14.png

a mirror world to ours, with one horrifying difference. everything is alive. the world is made of flesh. everything seems to be one single organism, besides the inhabitants. As if made by someone who never once actually looked at what it was trying to recreate, the people and animals are all wrong. the skin hangs off their flesh as if ripped off in a fight, and these seem to not have any actual bones. just flesh. meat and muscle drives these beings to move. they have the organs as their originals, but none of them are where they should be. The only creatures that seem to be almost correct are the insects, which seem to be the rulers of this world. They have the cognitive functions of a human yet somehow condensed into the small bodies of the insects without any changes being made. The world changes accordingly to the real world. the walls and ground have a strong pulse and the sound of a beating heart is heard constantly, as well as the singing from the cicadas.

there are many portals to this world, the most permanent one being a large cave deep in the woods. the cicadas leave their realm to try and lure others to the cave so that they can feed.
