Who needs GP;

-Socket (300+) - , elemental (light motes), sosk MYO IDs (free TFs)

-Lola (200 or so) - redesign

-thera (1200) - malice (tar + decay) and healing water (water element + healing/growth)

-Din (300) fire elemental 

Humanoids Akurale dragon Dragon Esk wings of fire Wof Neykrrohmah elf udealra twwm Udealra poc monster Arthro arpg cute Arpg Wings of fire wof bird Adopt pta arthro wings dta anthro Bird Pigmywings fur feral seawing duvikin wings of fire fantribe lizard salmonoid leafwing pigmywings tatterwings Duvikin comic character fox game bug Fantribe closed species Sona brown Robot Furry humanoids Gryphon wolf moth WoF cs fluffy Cs god dragon elf Wings esk Cat Rainwing Fox hybrid glow Akrill magic god oc Merchant original race palof Harpy big cat Trans cyborg furry Moth furry reptile Multiple characters crow Dvi corrupt Skal elf Skros sandwing Seawing Purple Tricker fairy Gay dragon Large scars mudwings rainwing mudwing Griffin cream pigmy draconic No eyes sky children of the light feather Centaur scale second chance chimera statue danger noodle canine leg horror Skeleton link steampunk Ranger Monster open species split character Wanderer Elf scaly Palof jai cat pretty trans oc scars concept Giant woodland moth Rufnskal digitigrade duvi Adopt on offer TWWM Esks Alien Necromals Guumi dog fursona seawing hybrid evil Cursed Major injury Kin Wings of fire fantribe Bigwing Dragon hybrid kin Ota orange Pigmywing stripy ghost skycotl Pynnita Shapeshifter Fidi Ayumii Afearian Game Twwm Snake Ribbontails body horror Not sure how to tag this tbh zelda LOZ Tinuuk kobold BOTW plant birdwitch Duvi Gerakli tiefling Jai male mute shark Arturo Cute Noamarens Kenku Scrottar draw to adopt Haruian desert elf Sosk Open species Neverlings sona wingsoffire Fairy Scars sea dragon siblings nightwing wings of fire hybrid 4 legged bird mothwings green silkwing harome elf ARPG second chance arpg tomomori valley Amalgamation fennic blue mouth horror D-O-G-S Legend of Zelda linksona Dungeons and dragons beetle bokoblin Object head Idealra traveler dragonkin Game sona Peace Lily armor half blind hamster Merman sketch adopt lumicas Naeo multiple characters Mundling Tentative offer Skle elf pay to adopt Beautiful Green glow aquimikro Fire dragon moth wof hybrid Glow fantribe Archwings Aquiptid Groogum family pigmywing birb feathers jade Sky Tatterwing deer elf long semi open species ayumii arpg phari Phifikneh SeldnacRae snek adopt many teeth fanoc linkoc Comic character DnD loz botwoc Witch frills