D&D Characters

A folder containing all of my characters for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition. All content contained within is based on a homebrew setting of my own making called Aldholn. The setting was utilized for an RP group called Asteria which was Co-ran by myself and Myuwa. The setting comprised of my own world, Aldholn, and Myu's world Asteria in combination with Dungeons & Dragon's Fifth Edition Strixhaven sourcebook to provide a framework and background for players to host their characters as students attending the world-famous magic academy. More info on its history, geography, culture and visual inspirations can be found at the following: https://asteria-rp.carrd.co/#setting

Please note, none of the characters contained within are for sale, trade or ship unless I have specifically approached you or if you are a long-time mutual on social media or other social RP-based groups. Repeated attempts in spite of this disclaimer will warrant a block first-offense.

Modern pokemon DD DD 5E gijinka Ship Open bluc AudBelastra Fanart welcome pokejinka Blackwood FFXIV World F Cosmog Gijinka BluC World B pyukumuku cosmog Strixhaven