Blapii's Bulletins

LF Art/Improvment Advice hai :]

Posted 3 days, 1 hour ago by Blapii

YA just like the titile says! Looking for advice/tips on my art! I have. Not been liking it recently (which is why owed is so slow bc I genuinely get upset by my art sometimes😞) So I’m seeing if anyone has advice on my art! Looking for critique on my style and such, ik theres things I should work on but i just feel so stuck im not rlly sure WHAT to fix specifically and what not.

I don’t even quite know what kind of style i want so any critique is welcome, I think trying things is always good! :] I wanna see what I need to improve on and see what other people see bc sometimes it’s hard for me to rlly know what i gotta work on! any and all critique/advice helps!!

ik poses is a big thing i wanna work on,,,,,I cannot visualize anything SOBS,,,,

my motivation has actually been pretty good lately! i just get so down and frustrated over my art that it makes it difficult to work on things😞

ArtFight Hitlist!

Posted 6 days, 3 minutes ago by Blapii

HOWDY!! Decided to make a form this year for ArtFight!! :3 feel free to fill it out if u wanna! Didn’t add a question relating to teams since they haven’t been revealed yet, but also I don’t care what team ppl r on! I attack either way >:3

LF Ref Commissions!! :0

Posted 11 days, 20 hours ago by Blapii

HAI ALL!! Art Fight season approaching and i am in need of refs for some ocs,,,HGDFH window shopping rn but sometime within this week I’ll start messaging people! :] Posted thsi on forums so I’ll just copy and paste what i put over there!! Currently I’ve settled on 2 people for a ref HGDH so as u can see I’m need of more people! HGDHS 

‼️ALSO preferred if the turn around time means it can be finished before Art Fight! Willing to pay extra for that if needed! :]

Hello!! I was looking thru my ocs today and realized I have quite a bit that need proper refs, so, I’m currently looking around for that!! Feel free to comment here or message me!! ^^

Also i will say that I am a bit picky when it comes to ref sheets as I lean towards styles that I feel would fit the character best! especially since it’ll be the image that others use to reference when drawing! :]

Currently mainly looking for refs of these guys! I‘ll list some specifics too if there’s any!

  • Wanting a ref that includes both their regular form and shifted form as well!!
  • OH and also including a version with the markings on his shifted form too!
  • 3 Fulls total; 1 being their regular/humanoid form, and the other 2 being the same pose and in his shifted form; one being to show the clothing as well and the other with his markings!

  • Want one showing their markings and outfit!
  • Bascially 2 fulls but both same pose!
  • Would love one to show her markings and also have her extra outfits! Maybe as like chibis?
  • UHH don’t have anythin specific in mind for this guy!
  • Just a basic fullbody ref preferred! :]

Really want an anthro refs for these guys along side having a feral ref and one with them wearing their outfit from canon!! (So basically 3 fulls! Two being anthro and one being feral! The 2 anthro can stay the same pose!)

Other ocs I’m looking for refs but aren’t a priority right now are in this tag!! :]

Some (or,,,many actually) ocs within that tag don’t have outfits so for those ones I would be looking at getting a custom outfit for them as well alongside the reference! So feel free to let me know if u offer that as well! :D

Ty!! Have a wonderful day/night!! :D

Also I just realized I already have an oc named Isaiah,,,if you happen to mention that u wanns draw Isaiah I’m gonna assume ur talking abt the one shown in the post and not the link!! But feel free to link which Isaiah ur talkin abt if u want!

Thinkin abt silly lil thing

Posted 11 days, 22 hours ago by Blapii

Realizing how much art i have of othr ppls ocs that will probably never reach them bc i scrapped those ideas and didn’t like em enough to show em😔 LIKE im looking thru my sketchbook and there is so many sketches of ideas HJGSDH even in my old sketchbook from like high school i used to draw ppls ocs for fun bc I didn’t wanna draw mine, i only shared like 3 of em and that was it PFT OR LIKE unfinished bday/christmas gifts too,,,damn

Art fight leaves me with a lot of unfinished art of ppls ocs too, so many ideas😔 OR LIKE ALSO if i owe someone art, i might doodle the oc a few times sometimes to like get a better idea of how to draw them but i also like never show them that art bc it is me trying to knwo how to draw em!!!!

makes me think, im sure other artists probably have this too HGDHS

Looking for Song recommendations!! :D

Posted 17 days, 21 hours ago by Blapii

HOWDY!! :D taking a teensy break from owed today and tmrw [MSYBE Saturday, not sure yet] since I’ve been back on workin on owed (thank god) i don’t wanna burn myself out so break time! 

Looking for songs to listen to!! I love all the songs i have rn but im always looking for more👀 might draw smth with my ocs if any happen to fit but yeah!! Looking for any kinds of songs, I listen to anything and everything! U can list one song or multiple, any amount is perfect! :] 

YA thats all ty, hope ya’ll have a great day/night!! :3

Artfight!! :]

Posted 27 days, 18 hours ago by Blapii

IKNWO ITS LIKE,, STILL A BIT AWAY BUT!!! I keep seein ppl post theirs so i thought I’d share my ArtFight!! I definitely gotta update stuff on there,,especially the google docs AAAAGH somuch stuff to write HSGHSG also plan on puttin more ocs up there but like i still want art of my main sillies BUT LIKE I wanns give other ocs a chance so ill most likely put them HGDH; especially some of these fellas,,,the story is cookin in my brain and i love them sm


feel free to leave urs here too! ALSO if u have a hitlist feel free to leave it here!!

LF $2 Cashapp Voucher!!

Posted 1 month, 15 hours ago by Blapii

HAI kass is back again looking for a cashapp voucher HGFDH i wanns buy an adopt from a friend but I do not have cashapp sadly 💔 it’s just $2, u send the money to em and I’ll send u the $2 through paypal!! OR UH i can do a flat headshot if u want! I’ll get it done within the same day!! :]

OKI YUH time to sleep ty in advance for considerin! :3

Art motivation advice?

Posted 1 month, 13 days ago by Blapii

Heyo!! Currently I’ve been tryin to work on owed but I cant rlly get myself to really work on things. LIKE most progress I’ve made is getting sketches done at most but those are usualy drawn while I’m at school bc for some reason i get motivation there,,,idk why HGFDH but when I’m at home I’ve been findin it so hard to get motivated to work on things. Literally the hard part of getting the sketch drawn is done, but idont have the motivation to get to lining stuff😞 its not even like owed only too, i have zero motivation to even draw stuff for myself rn which sucks💔. Like i said, i do get motivation at school but it’s not like i can bring my tablet and draw,,,,Or like ig i can but my only time would b durin my 30 min break or if i have a free period in my first class, which is like once a week (and if I finish the assignments)and I don’t rlly wanna wait for that once a week so yea, damn 😔

I’m seein if anyone has advice on getting urself motivated to work on things? What usually motivates you guys? :0 I’ve tried music but it hasn’t rlly done anything sadly 💔

also i cant tell if the lack of motivation is bc like,,,i rlly wanna just do other things instead of draw (urge to just write stuff for my ocs, not draw em) like bc there’s stuff i wanns do instead of drawing at all so idk if that messin with things for me?

BUT YEAH if anyone’s got advice feel free to let me knwo!! :] tysm!!


Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by Blapii

hello I come bacjk again looking for another cashapp voucher HSJAGS the oc I wanna buy is $30 but icant use cashapp BUT I can send u the $30 through PayPal and u send the payment to em thru cashapp for me!! :]


WJAT who gave me th premium,,stares

Posted 1 month, 29 days ago by Blapii

iwas checking to see how much it was anf then see my subscription increased till OCTOBER??? Who gavw me that many months WHAT THANK YOU SM