Br3eb's Bulletins


Posted 1 year, 11 days ago by Br3eb

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I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO TITLE THIS. But I'm sure you guys all know Idol by yoasobi,, i wanted to learn it on piano. And i found an arrangement i really liked but two problems, 

1. It's one of those youtube videos with the note coming down (and i suck at trying to learn those) 

2. I'm better at reading sheet music but it's behind a. $1 paywall. Well, $1 isn't a lot normally. But hear me out $1 is alot, for sheet music😭😭. LIKE.. IDK if I'm going to give up half way

So.. the question is.. buy sheet music OR attempt to learn it from a video which i really suck at (this may be the dumbest bulletin ever, but please helpme)

wow hello again ^^

Posted 1 year, 14 days ago by Br3eb

Daily bulletin hello,, it's almost june damn, time goes by so quickly. My trello is also going crazy so I plan to work on all my owed art before July starts then I can focus on my own characters.

 I also feel really paranoid sometimes because I haven't been able to draw my characters I go "i hope people don't think i don't deserve this character" or have a bad impression on me ahjshdjgdjdh, but I guess i shouldn't worry about that since I do have plans for them.

How have you guys been??

My art debt is vanishing

Posted 1 year, 23 days ago by Br3eb

HEYY!! Went from 20 owed art to only 8 more to go!!

+ I'm studying for exams but, i can pull this off (i hope) B-)   but i kinda want an average over my current one (90.6) so i think I'm gonna start making schedules for art, studying and instruments ah, wish me luck😔😔. I am also sick, woah.

What have you guys been up to?? I hope AF is in july and not june, because i may explode if it's not.

Silly guy rants about his hair

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Br3eb

AUGH,, sometimes I wish my hair wouldn't shrink so much ahh, the struggle is real😔😔. (Random pic i found online lol (my hair everyday))


But then i remind myself shrinkage is healthy but grhaudbjahe, i am conflicted.

Also i think i need to calm down with my spending habits a bit urgh.

Anyway how are you guys >>:]

Half body prices? Help

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Br3eb

Kinda wanna set up comms again,, how much would you guys pay for my halfbodies?? 

Long break

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Br3eb

I have, exams soon, and as a high achiever and major procrastinator I'm gonna study for the remainder of May, so I won't be as active on th or discord, I'll check in on th, but just won't say anything unless it's super important! I'll try to reply  to discord msgs when i have time though. 

I just have 1 owed art so I should be fine! Bye until June 27th 😭

Alot of fandom(?) stuff

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Br3eb

Idk if it's really called fandom but,, ROUND 5 OF ALIEN STAGE !! AHHH IM SO HAPPYY, I just wish I had someone to rant about my silly interest, milgram too. Round 5 makes me so... EMOTIONAL. As every round does, Luka is so gorgeous omg, everyone in the unofficial serv thought he'd be gay lolol. ALSO TILL. OMGOMG TILL DEVELOPEMENT???? WHO KNOWS time to reall all the comments .

Also I got star rail on my tablet, my uid is 602299576 on America server 


Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Br3eb

Woah, finally got a but of time to say something here, today's bulletin is abouuuttt, hair !

 I think as most of you guys already know, i am black yes and so is my hair, and I don't know what to do with it. I have a mixture of 4a, 4b and 3c hair that's below armpit length(??) but it ALWAYS curls up to my chin. It's very frustrating when i straighten my hair and whenever it touches the slight bit of water or if it's humid, my hair just ceases to exist. I kinda wanna try wearing my hair down but I have no idea how.

What are your hair struggles? I'm curious

Hello yes hi

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Br3eb

HELLO GUYS !! Been awhile since i made a normal bulletin, how has your days been?? I started watching/reading oshi no ko because, as a diehard yoasobi/ayase fan if he makes a song for it, I must watch it. I got emotional damage, as usual,, 

I also got over my art block, working on something for Sou because I wanted to try a skating pose, here's a sneak peak ^^ Untitled423-20230423073056.png


Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Br3eb

HI so i may have accidentally created a bluetein instead of a thread and immediately deleted it out of panic,,,,, so I'm not sure if I actually made it or not oops,,, 


Putting my very silly mistake aside how have you guy's day been??