igofia institute

everyone is born with a color. only those that radiate the brightest (known as Pures) can be accepted into an elite academy. pures are isolated from hues (those who lack radiance) to avoid any relation between the two. the academy holds pures from birth to graduation, in which they "work" for the board. what's hidden from the public is pure blacks and pure whites control the academy and run experiments on graduates. for centuries, they've been trying to find ways to create artificial pure blacks and whites. a near lethal injection just might do the trick...

the main characters are all students of the academy. ampala (indigo), hwykio (blue), vimper (red), ytepia (green), and ophami (yellow). the main antagonist is a pure black and white combo named ilophi.

In a dystopian alternate reality, humankind has mutated to bear limited colors. Upon discovering it was possible to drain the color (the energy) out of an object as a source of energy, corporations were quick to capitalize on such technology. Claiming it was better for the environment due to color not having any hazardous uses, the only counterargument was aesthetics and protestors were left with little to no power to change business minds. Eventually, the world was drained of all its color. Humankind mutated to support this colorless environment, and soon the earth was left a barren greyscale. A small group of scientists responsible for such technology knew of its consequences, so they injected several artificial humans with one specific color to bear. Their family would be responsible for that specific color. It was the family's job to continue supporting the color for generations, as a sign to any future generations that color did in fact exist in this world. If a family failed to create a successor, the color would disappear forever. Several colors have gone "extinct" because of this.
As a result of these injections, some colors mixed and created in-betweens, or hues. They were no longer pure colors. Eventually, a separation formed between hues and pures, with pures being regarded as elites because of their pure color. Humanity became corrupt as a new monarchy began. The rarest pures of them all, the blacks and whites, were treated as gods. They created a foundation for pures to thrive in, essentially forming a gated community and keeping the new pures oblivious to the realities of the world. Only in a forbidden book hidden well in the school's library is the truth written by one surviving archivist of the colorful world.