
The "True Creation Village".  Village of Cherryblossoms and crafting.  The village is hidden within a larger forest through the powers of their creator diety, Zen.

Masōzō is a target for theives as their crafted items sell for a lot.  It's why Zen hides Masōzō within a forest. The Cherry Blossom trees are hidden within Zen's illusion of making them look like ordinary trees until you get close enough to the village.  Zen's magic will throw off those she thinks is a threat to Masōzō.  Only those knowledgeable about Zen's tricks may get into Masōzō with evil intentions.

Aesthetic: Japanese Aesthetic
Known for: 
Cherry blossom forest/trees.  Wooden crafts that are high quality detail, carved intricately by hand.
Known events: 
🌸 The Cherry Blossom Festival 🌸
Masōzō weather is usually comfortable may be a bit cooler due to the shade of the cherry blossom trees.
Important Locations:

Sakurai Palace: Home of the Sakurai family, protectors of Masōzō.  The father had died protecting his home and has a burial memorial in the back of the home in the garden.

Zen Shrine: Said where the spirit of Zen rests after she sacrificed her physical body to give birth to the village of Masōzō.  The people of Masōzō come here to pay their respects to Zen and give offerings to her.  Zen's spirit shows herself to a select few, usually to the Sakurai family. Or when Masōzō is in danger.

MinMin's Onigiri Cafe: Kari Li's cafe where she serves a variety of onigiri along with a variety of hot or cold teas.