The Quest Board - S1


A Lizardfolk Ranger/Barbarian, my main PC.

The partys ‘dad’, Kiuz just wants the best for those he cares for - and for his family to be safe.


Lizardfolk Ranger - Swamkeeper Barbarian - Path of the beast Folk Hero Lvl 10

Thalion Suldo

My PC for a Quest Board related one-shot in which the party was morphed into elven races and living completely different lives. This was caused by going through a dimension gate - not the first time the party has done such a thing, but the first time that it has effected their minds and form.

Thalion was the son of the villages chief, and was going through his phase of wanting nothing to do with his title or responsibilities. He cared heavily for his siblings, and despite his fears when the party encountered powerful monsters, he did his best to step in and keep his fathers people safe.

NOT built for PVP.

Eladrin - Autumn Bard - College of Glamor Entertainer Lvl 6

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