Bubble Buddies

  • A bubble buddy is mainly known for their bubble lower halfs and their bubble breaths.
  • Due to their lower halfs, they can only roll and bounce around from place to place.
  • The color of their bubble is usually the same as either their hair &/or eyes.
  • Since the bubble is tied to them, if it pops they die, but most sharp objests have no effect on them.
  • To pop the lower bubble, it must be a extremely hot sharp object (like lava), over inflation of the bubble, or it freezes (like -70 degrees F).
  • The bubbles are strong enough to hold a human in them, but depends on the size since their range of sizes can be from the size of a index finger to about 10-15 ft. high (highest recorded height at this time)
  • How one becomes a bubble buddy is by either:
    • Being caught by a bubble from a non-public gyser that produces human size bubbles and escaping it half-way. Or..
    • If a bubble buddy likes a human enough, she could take the human into her bubble, only up to the waste, and they would kiss, and as they kiss, she must breath the bubbles into him/her. It would cause the human to start becoming a bubble buddy, and once they change enough, the bubble would 'split' into two, and the new bubble buddy would take on the colour of the original, including hair and/or eyes and the bubble.
  • Average Weight: 89.5
  • (At this time) They can not have sex
  • Putting helium in the bubble will do nothing but make the air in their nothing but helium for days.
  • Bubble buddies mainly age by how their bubble looks and feels, heat (around 130 F) can actually make the bubble more wrinkly and less resistant to sharp objects, which in turn can make a bubble buddy look older than they should.
  • They can not to Transformed (TFed)

Female Straight Caucasian Merform Mermaid Adult Human Form Blue Eyes Magic User Young Adult Male Green Eyes Blonde Hair Aquinous Human Centaur Black Hair Bisexual Genie Blue Tail