Shrike Rising

Shrike Rising is my warriors story that i'm planning to make into a comic. If you want to help, or maybe give me some cat freebies for the story, or possibly just let me write your own oc into one of the clans, tell me.

The basis of the story is that after BloodClan was defeated and Scourge was dead, the cats fled far into a different wilderness, scared that the clans were coming for revenge. Finally, they ended up in a new territory they had never seen before. They decided to adopt warrior customs, because Tigerstar the first made the life of a warrior seem so glamorous. So they split into four clans: 

NightClan, cats who are mostly dark colored and are good ambushers and often good at blending in, are pretty mobile and small, and have superior nightvision. When they want to, these cats can also walk through the grass without moving it, giving no warning of their approach. They live on the grassy slopes below the mountain, which are dotted with copses of trees, like oasises in a desert. The grass is so long that you can't see the other cats over it, and in some places its as tall as a horse. NightClan cats are also very good at navigation because of this, and their favorite tactics are to lead pursuers through the grass and lose them. Their camps is a copse of trees in their territory, hidden behind a cliff in such a way that unless you knew it was there you could walk right off the cliff, thinking it went on forever. Their main prey sources are birds such as pheasants and quails, lizards and snake, and small rodents such as voles that like to live in the tall grass. Their warrior ceremony involes the would be warrior being knocked out by some berries and put in a far out piece of the territory during the night, so they wake up in an unfamiliar, but safe enough, spot. The cat then has to find their way back to camp before sundown. If so, they are a warrior, if not, they are still an apprentice and have to take another half moon of training before they attempt it again.

 PebbleClan, who are hardy cats who live in the mountains about NightClan. PebbleClan cats are very strong and have tough paw pads from living on the rocks. The typical PebbleClan cat has a thick grey or brown pelt for blending in with the mountain, as hawks ad eagles are a danger here, though its not uncommon to see pure white pelts for blending in with the snow. PebbleClan prides themselves on being the bravest clan, and its warriors are said to be able to face down a charging horse without flinching. For their warrior ceremony, PebbleClan apprentices have to spend the night out alone on the mountain and are forbidden from hiding. If they survive, StarClan wills them to be a warrior. If they die, PebbleClan honors them for attempting the ceremony with bravery and courage. Only the cowards who break the rules are estranged, forced to become apprentices again for another moon until they are brave enough. Once they complete it though, they are welcomed back into the daily life of the clan. Pebbleclan relies mostly on big prey, often sending out large patrols of up to fifteen cats to attempt to bring down bighorn sheep, mountain goats, and eagles. Small prey like chipmunks and pika, however, are also greatly appreciated. To get to their camp you have to go through a cave with a narrow entrance so that only two cats can go through at a time. Its so narrow that it looks like only a crack in the earth. Once inside, you have to go through an even narrower tunnel. Just when you think you should give up, there is an opening covered with vines and you emerge into a clearing thats sheltered by the mountains on either side. It looks like a mini basin. The basin has many trees covering it so that birds of prey can't come down into it, and the cave is too small for the cougars which plague the territory. In short, a perfectly defensible camp.

StreamClan, the lanky cats who live by the cool mountain streams bordering PebbleClan territory. They are accomplished swimmers, and are good at navigating blind, as part of their territory is underground and some is hard to see. Their pelts tend to be the softest and most plush of all of the clans, as their streams are often frigid. A StreamClan cat can also jump well and navigate the rapids by hopping from rock to rock. To be a warrior, a StreamClan apprentice must cross the Raging Whites, a series of large and dangerous rapids that are underground, and have low visibility. They have the highest rate of death during their warriors ceremony of any clan. However, those who pass are the strong, agile, and resourceful. It is common around StreamClan to hear the comment that while they may have less warriors than the other clans, each of theirs is as good as two warriors from any other clan. Streamclan's territory is very varied. Their border with NightClan is a wetland, filled with frogs, cranes, and other prey. The wetlands eventually drain to a large but slow river which has many branches, most of which end in calm lakes. Some of these branches go through a forest, part of which StreamClan also lays claim to. In this part of the territory, the rain often makes its own tiny lakes, which tend to house more frogs and other good things to eat, which the StreamClan warriors gladly catch, and f course the river has plenty of crawfish, catfish, and other water creatures. One of the branches, however, doesn't lead this way. It goes through an underground cave, and creates many rapids. This is where the StreamClan camp is. To get there, you must swim with the river and brave the rapids. Their is a small den just outside of the cave for wounded cats who can't swim. The camp lies deep in the caves, on a pebble shore with a calm bit of cold river. You hear the camp before seeing it, as the caves create echos. There is bioluminescent moss, creating a greenish light, and some clever cats have found ways to reflect bits of sunlight down, so it is surprisingly bright. There is a pool about half as deep as a cat, wide, and still. It has no sharp rocks, as the bottom is made of the smooth pebbles who have come down from the rapids. Its a perfect spot to teach a kit how to swim, which is what it is used for. The dens are mostly open air, and their is little privacy in camp, so if you want to be alone you must leave the camp and go to a one of the small caves outside it. 

JungleClan lives in a dense jungle of a forest of ancient trees, most of which are at least 60 feet tall. It is often humid, and as such this clan has the shortest pelts. JungleClan cats can climb trees almost as soon as they can walk, and are particularly skilled at moving through the undergrowth and vines without disturbing them. JungleClan cats are often patterned, helping the blend in with the forest floor. They mostly eat the birds that rest in the tops of the trees, and its not unknown for them to chase squirrels through the treetops, leaping from branch to branch just like their prey. Because of this unique tactic, most JungleClan cats have a long tail. To become a warrior, a JungleClan apprentice must climb The Great Tree, a particularly tall tree, and snag a leaf from the top. Because the leaves only grow at the very top, farther than most cats could climb, a JungleClan apprentice who passes this test is sure to be light on their feet, quick, and a good tree climber with lots of stamina and strength to get to the top. The JungleClan camp is in an unusual place. Decades, maybe even centuries ago five trees merged together at the top, creating a large, bowl like space of wood. The warriors wove branches and vines to keep the kits from falling over the edge and falling about fifty feet to the ground. Dens are made out of branches and bark. Their are some large branches still growing in the camp, which kits are encouraged to climb. The bottom of these branches is surrounded by piles of soft leaves in case a kit falls. If a cat is wounded and can't be moved up to the camp (usually in a battle since they rarely go on the forest floor and its almost unheard of for a JungleClan cat to fall), there is a hallow at the base of the trees that are the camp that's easily defensible, so the cat will be moved there while a medicine cat treats them.

wof wings of fire seawing dragon feral hybrid furry anthro rainwing warrior warriors wof hybrid dog skywing nightwing cat icewing canine sandwing feline demon wolf silkwing will trade furry dog hivewing adopt warrior cats anthro dog Furry warrior cat Larcaro_Masterlist sea dragon male medicine cat dnd For sale apprentice story sona for sale Tabaxi Larcaro_Species canid distant hybrid mudwing rainwing hybrid hyena art nightclan icewing hybrid hellhound leader pink leafwing closed species dragon adopt Seawing Ace female fire nonbinary wof adopt asexual WTA fanclan pastel clan cat tiefling aero wings of fire sona elemental water dragon hq cuteness pan space dragon tasmanian devil wof mech seawing hybrid sorcerer Snake Edgy black hole aromantic hyena furry nighteing hybrid tabaxi Feral Angel horse Displacer beast velociraptor 4sale Cantaror Creature Kesofens FELINE trade vernid gay oc animus druid pride dragon deputy rainwing nightwing cute drago tentative border collie oc mech mech adopt half elf tom german shepherd black yena dragon oc Skywing Dnd dog furry angel furry Tiefling Demon Adopt Handdrawn Vernid Farel Kesofen Species special coyote wc drawing reminder Hellhound flox jellinu u kelpie uwu sea hive possession animation friendly skywing mech leopard nb gay scifi punk Nightwing warlock dnd character icerain hybrid rogue Axolotl wizard ota Offer to adopt EldrichDes bard taur free sale trade offer blue runner hybird beauceron S.H.A.R.K ace nightwing hybrid Anthro axolotl kitsune bear skywing adopt elf anthro dragon lgbtq fursona aro WoF cat furry dnd homebrew Unicorn Raptor Dutch angel dragon cs adoptable Closed Species