Chib's Bulletins

(open) Adopt - Ashen Beryl

Posted 27 days, 20 hours ago by Chib

I come back with more adopts!! 

This time a sort of desaturated, ashy lil guy

They are FCFS, a flat sale of $120/$200 with an extra portrait included!
You may comment or DM to claim!! Paypal only!

Until I can make a proper adoptable TOS, please abide by these simple terms:

- Most of my designs have no specific gender, feel free to assign them whatever you wish.
- You may request simple edits for no extra charge. You also may edit the design yourself, however please consult with me first, and try to not change it to the point it's indistinguishable from the original.
Please credit me as the original creator of the design. Do not claim the artwork as your own.
Resells and gifting are allowed. For resells, do not sell it higher than what the original adoptable price was, with the exception of bought commissions of the character.

Thank you so much ; _ ; !!

its been at least a week since i reported this and asked for my money back and still nothing... and those were my savings for the upcoming rent on the first so.... perishes.

i wanted to offer some comms if anyone is willing to bite and help me get the money back bc i dont wanna risk not having rent funds on time;;
i was thinking of doing icons and/or chibis, or one portrait to meet the quota so if you want any of these feel free to comment or DM me, i need this covered asap

examples below!
(edit, forgor to add prices sorry
 the icons are 40-50eur, the chibis are 65/95eur (samples of diff cheebs here ) and the portrait is 125eur!!



(closed) icon comms

Posted 1 month, 30 days ago by Chib

heya! i wanted to open these little icons because I kinda need mons for groceries ;  ;
I can do humans or anthros!

No WIPs because these are going to be done fairly fast so for that reason, they're anywhere from 40-50eur depending on the chara complexity!!

FCFS, please comment or DM me to claim one! I will only accept 2 for now ^^

Selling Astarion stickers!

Posted 5 months, 11 days ago by Chib

omg look at him!!!
the gay european is available on my ko-fi, if you are perhaps interested in snagging the pack :3c
For now its just the bundle, unless I notice an interest for peeps wanting individual packs to be added too.



ALSO, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONEEEE, I hope that everyone gets a nice headstart towards 2024, lets hope its less of a shitshow this time around OTL

bsky codes (2)

Posted 7 months, 11 days ago by Chib

I've got 2!!

Mutuals get priority but anyone is free to comment!! I'll update this bulletin in case I get more so you can check back in every once in awhile!!

SET OF HUNTERS: halloween adopt batch!

Posted 7 months, 26 days ago by Chib

Hello again! I hope you guys were able to see the cool solar eclipse that happened recently   

The adopt batch teased from the previous bulletin is now available!!

Please go ahead and take a look here:

I've included the preview once again below! Thank you so much for looking :3c 


(end) mini adopt collab

Posted 9 months, 13 hours ago by Chib

Wanted to just quickly share this mini collab of cute bird gijinkas I was apart of!!

If you'd like any of these little gremlins, click here to check out the OG post to bid!

Thankuuu for looking!!


Posted 10 months, 3 days ago by Chib

heyo, recently i messed up my spine pretty bad, and have mostly been kinda bed-ridden for a hot sec, but i wanted to try out taking these icons and do them when i have little moments of feeling a tad better since they hopefully shouldn't take too long to work on and complete !!  

they are 65eur each, and a tad experimental, FCFS! If you'd like one feel free to reply here or dm me to claim a slot ;v;
they're 500x500px and come transparent + background of choice option u-u)b

thank you very much for looking!!

chibi comms (closed ty!)

Posted 1 year, 2 days ago by Chib

eyoo, opening some bean cheeb slots again since i need to pay for some important stuff!
65eur (may charge a complexity fee if the chara is more complex!)


FCFS, comment or DM me to claim, thank you!! will be done in between my reg. comm work!!


Posted 1 year, 7 days ago by Chib

SOBS??? T____T


its pride month you know what that means rheya'a !!!!!

ok on another note tho. I wanted to take some time to say thank you to everyone looking at not only Rheya'a, but all of my other OC profiles, especially if you were one of the rare gems who actually read what I wrote LMAO I know I'm generally a bit silent out here and kinda disappear into the void, but I'm secretly just rather active and obsessive over my own little projects, scrunklies, while also chuckin at comms when ever I'm physically able. Honestly, it feels nice to just write here even for just a bit and not be limited by the number of letters I can include and also not feel so pressured when ever I do speak like I tend to feel on other social media sites.

It's been a wild time, and I have not really been going out of my way to constantly update as much as I used to, but I did want to take like 2 seconds out of my evening to write my appreciation to everyone stopping by to take a look at what I've got going on, at least on Toyhouse's side of things!! I can't really describe how much it warms my heart to see people genuinely taking interest in my little guys and what's going on in their world, and I seriously appreciate the support from all sides, whether we've talked and became friends, or talked once or even not at all, it's quite lovely to be reminded every once in awhile that people do care, even if silently, and since idk how time works i'll likely not get the chance to write my feelings out like this any time soon again LMAO so !!! THANK YOU !!!

There's a lot, and i really do mean a lot more things I would love to share with you when I have some more time (and "concrete" things to display, so to speak), many various projects that I've either recently picked up or have been working in the shadows for quite a time - no spoiling or anything, but lots of it is incorporating worldbuilding and storytelling and perhaps even artbook projects that I'd love to create, once I am more financially stable and can dedicate a proper amount of time to be deep in that sort of creative headspace, but until then, I'd love to show you the small things once I am able to :3c

That's al I think for now! It was nice to treat this as a sort of mini-journal, I haven't done this sort of updating/journaling in quite some time, but for now, I'll be going back to work LOL I need to work on my queue!! and the projects to show you guys!!

sidenote though but i wanna start making mini shrines for my scrunklies and i need to find good manus for like cute items n stuff and once i do................. im spamming y'all w it i hope u know what u signed up for