Rise of the Signs

Rise of the Signs is a story about beings called The Signs  who are guardians resembling the western Zodiac. Their guardian role used to be in relation to humans, but after excessive wars and various other conflicts, they had decided to cut ties and isolate themselves in The Coliseum. Each of the signs has powers tied to one of the 4 elements ( in the style of Avatar kind of). When killed, a sign will reincarnate after a few decades, with no memories of their previous lives, memories witch they will slowly regain, as they are also unlocking their powers once again. 

There are astral phenomenons called Flux in which various alignment of stars and planets, each flux belonging to a specific zodiac. During a flux, a Sign's powers will be boosted significantly, their form also changing, only reversing after the event is over. The other two signs under the same element will also benefit of a power boost during a flux, though smaller than the main one. (for example, during a Libra Flux, while libra's powers will be multiplied several times over, Gemini and Aquarius will also have a -smaller- boost in theirs)