CoffeeKatFloof's Bulletins

thing I did because im bored

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by CoffeeKatFloof

stole from fizziibirb took some of the questions out and added a few!

gender: female 

relationship status: single always been single and probably always will be single

favourite color: Mochi's blue! but I like yellow and purple too :o

favourite songs: UHH I never really have a favorite I just get into a bunch of favorite song phases

favorite oc design you made: I love crow and gizmo's design alot right now 

least favorite oc design you made: I kinda hate Avi and manu is a little plain :/ 

favorite character you own: I like steampunk mochi alot right now and Aumy

favourite youtuber: Lots of animators mostly hhaa.. I like Alan becker and Zeruk and henrietta hen and (I LOVE animators that make original content!)

favourite food: lays regular chips and spaghetti?  


favourite animals: CATS!1 and birds,,

favourite celebrity: none I literally could care less abt any celebrity 

favourite time of day: almost nightime (like when the sky is dark blue but not dark yet) and really early morning

favourite holiday(s): Christmas! and halloween! 

favourite season: Fall! and winter :'D 

favourite fruit: Blueberries and apples

favourite flower: I love daisys (the white petals and yellow middle kind) I know its kinda basic but ive always loved em

favourite emoji(s): thumbs up emoji

favourite hobby: I LOVE ANIMATINGG I MISS IT IVE BEEN DOING ARTFIGHT NONSTOPP.. I like baking and singing sometimes too

favourite weather: Rainy! or chilly autumn day 

name of your crush: 0-0 I cant say it here,,, 

name of your pet(s): Butter, James, Chip, Pepper, Tolko, (Sans, Scrambled eggs [we cant keep these 2 they are kittens we are re homing]) and 23 chickens that all have names but I dont feel like listing it out!

introvert or extrovert: introvert and I have bad social skills

homesick or traveler: homesick

musician or artist: artist but both really cool 

woods or city: WOODSS I love to explore the forest by my house but I can only do it in the fall and winter because of bears

tv or youtube: youtube I never watch tv

phone or computer: Computer I dont have a phone


Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by CoffeeKatFloof for anyone who doesnt know, I have artfight!


Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by CoffeeKatFloof

Sorry for posting 100 things at once   I update old art here when I have nothing better to do