-I’m fine with you changing the design, gender, etc of a character as it is in your hands, though do not say that you created the design(s) and please list me as the original creator of said character

-Fanart is fine as long as it is not suggestive or NSFW (Gore is fine and such!!)

-Please do not immediately trade my designs once you get them, just wait 3-4 days before trading them, and please notify me when you do!

-Tracing is fine as long as you are using it for practice and such, if you post it publicly please credit me for the image you traced off of and please do not claim the traced art is art you drew

-If I ever make of an oc you have (gift, trade, etc) credit me on TH (The user is Cosmic_draw3r)

-Do not ship any characters of mine that are underage with adult characters as I find that very uncomfortable,

-Please do not try to remove the watermark from any art I give you

-inspiration is fine as long as it isn’t heavily inspired by any of my designs

- If you are planning on using the oc for commercial use please contact me this way we can discuss what they will be used for!

- If you plan to draw gore art of the character then go ahead!! As long as the gore art in question is NOT used for fetish material

- Do NOT delete the accounts of my characters that I have sent to you 

- Please do not send my designs over to those design shelters, I really want people to use the designs made by me and not have them sit in purgatory for the rest of the time

- DO NOT trade any of my designs to people stated on the blacklist, 


Klipp - Lots of drama surrounding them

Kinnykinkin - Drew really bad shit of someone’s character doing a bad thing to their character and tried to play it off as them being stressed and needed to draw something to relieve the stress as well as posting said artwork onto r34 

R[_]MEO/cherry.kissesxoxo/Mika/whatever other names they go by - Defended their boyfriend who s3xu@lly @bus3d someone, made fun of someone’s culture, 

rockyroadsundae/koda/[The Legendary Red Dragon]/any other names they go by - s3xu@lly @bus3d their partner, drew NSFW despite being a minor, sent links to an erp server to multiple people

axel_1cefunk - Scammed people + cancelled offers at the very last moment

Leo/Rowan - Zionist

Nansengery19 - Drew NSFW with a feral oc with dog bits, drew sexual content of a oc that was created by a minor oc 

If the blacklist or TOS is broken any characters that have been given will need to be returned back to me, after that I will block you.


Literally any dni criteria (Homophobia, transphobia, racism, n@zi, etc.)

Other than that go buck wild or something, I’m pretty lenient with stuff so yea!!