CrazyMothLady's Bulletins

NOPE (/nimp)

Posted 1 day, 23 hours ago by CrazyMothLady

I hate it when I’m going to sleep and everu once and awhile I have an auditory hallucination becuase its always some creepy voice saying something sinister and now im freaked out even tho I consciously know it’s not real and just the product of my brain starting to fall asleep

Um some bad news

Posted 4 days, 1 hour ago by CrazyMothLady

Basically my iPads home button just got stuck in the down position, I’m gonna see tomorrow if I can get  it fixed but apple would rather die then fix old models so who knows

 I can still turn it on by plugging it in but this isn’t preferred cause I like working at school and on car rides and stuff 

How many people would be genuinely interested

Posted 6 days, 1 hour ago by CrazyMothLady


0 Votes I have PayPal/venmo, would probably comm
2 Votes I have PayPal/venmo, would probably comm highly depending on price
12 Votes I don’t have PayPal or Venmo / wouldn’t comm

Im thinking of getting a paypal or Venmo (as either a teen Account or under my moms name) and doing commissions, without really considering price for now, who would possibly be interested and have the ability to comm me in this way?

I love doing the occasional commision, but I don’t really trust da/ like it’s percentage rate it takes, + I personally can’t extract my points in the form of money so having something more stable and widespread Is really appealing 

Also if anyone has more experience with this and has tips/ would highly recommend a different service (that maybe you see more people using), I’d love feedback on this

Happy gay!

Posted 6 days, 12 hours ago by CrazyMothLady

 don we now our gay apparel 

Free lil redesigns

Posted 12 days, 42 minutes ago by CrazyMothLady

drop some characters below, anthro or humanoid so I can use symmetry tool. please include some ideas of what you want in the new design. 

These are just lil warm ups/practice designs, so I’ll be choosing characters Im inspired by, and I won’t be consulting back and forth on the design. ill just do it and you can choose to keep it or not use it or whatever

I'll provide photos later,. but I got some silkmoth cocoons for my bday and their starting to slowly emerge, I have 5 Luna's (1 Is out) and 2 prometheas (1 is out)

I've been hyper fixated on falsettos recently and I listen to the whole playlist at least once a day, so I've decided to pay homage to the 5 main characters by naming the 5 Luna's after them. The one that is currently out is female (tho that isn't too much of a deciding factor since the rest probably won't all be male) and she is all over the place. Based on her personality and her being the first girl, I was thinking of naming her trena? But then also whizzer might be a good name since she's gonna die first😭 if any of y'all have watched falsettos what do you think

Also do I name the prometheas after the lesbians even tho I know the one that's out is definitely is male 

Oops I'm back

Posted 19 days, 15 hours ago by CrazyMothLady

Sorry for the unannounced hiatus, it was AP season and I got addicted to crotchet Soo

Art might still be a bit slow cause I have about 10 backgrounds to draw for a school project in the next week or so

Birthday?? Again???

Posted 1 month, 10 days ago by CrazyMothLady

It's my birthday! Pretty sure I had one last year so don't know why it's happening again but I'm 17 now! 

🐛Lessons learned

Posted 1 month, 11 days ago by CrazyMothLady

Message to future me: when the Internet says centipedes don't pin well, listen and just put it in a vial of alcohol. No, it doesn't matter that it's not a very long centipede, it won't be very much of a centipede anymore when you remove the posing pins and all the legs go with it

Also hi guys took a bit of an impromptu break birthday is tomorrow