Vezevidge Kingdoms



a country consisting of seven smaller countries from a similar origin united together. Originally, the six separate colonies fought against the country that created them, causing it to weaken and collapse under the weight of fighting six revolutions at the same time, among other things. Later, the ruins were revisited and revitalized into the seventh city.


The first of the kingdoms and considered to be the most imperialistic of the seven, some argue that Glaciunus has become the very kind of kingdom it was founded to stop.


The second united kingdom, Koribi is known for its vast textile exports and thriving agricultural economy. While the kingdom itself thrives, its environment is trecherous to traverse.


A country built on scientific achievement and the third of the Vezividge Kingdoms, Umtathu is considered the most tourist-drawing of the seven as well.


A series of islands united into the fourth Vezividge Kingdom, its hard to find two people who agree in Ijögus. Each island is very distinct, the only thing they all have in common is their tedious unity.


The Fifth kingdom, predominantly consisting of marshland. The country is founded on the ideal that anyone who can survive the terrain deserves to be there, as its well-known for its horrible storms.


The sixth country in Vezevidge, Varázhat is innovative not only in technology, but magic. The country is well-known for its medicinal advancement especially.

New Morsept

Built on the ruins of what remains of Morsept, the seventh kingdom was long considered to be cursed land. Now, it stands as the kingdom of death and archeology.