


Iduskenny is a country known for its free cities, allowing in refugees and runaways of all types to take cover within their borders. The country is seen as a safe haven to themselves, but adversarial countries wanting to use their kindness against them often criticize their policing system, paitning them as an "anything goes" kind of civilization. The country frequently sees merchants and traders, and it isn't uncommon at all for one to settle down and begin selling within their borders. The primary native population consists of different types of grassland nymphs and nature spirits, leading to a bustling agricultural economy. In spite of their mountainous surroundings, mining as a career hasn't been popularized, and most minerals are imported as the agriculture culturally handles most of their needs.

While they have pacts made with each of their bordering countries, Iduskenny is beginning to see conflict with the Vezevidge Kingdoms for harboring refugees from the Glaciunus civil war. Iduskenny doesn't border Glaciunus, but it does border Koribi. It's an open secret that the queen of Glaciunus has been making moves to attempt to convince the peaceful leader of Koribi into a conflict with Iduskenny. The alternative is a march through Styii, the only country between Iduskenny and Glaciunus that spans the entire gap between the two. Styii has been aligned with Iduskenny since before Vezevidge united, and while they accept most who travel to escape the war, they funnel the Partam refugees into Iduskenny-- both for the Partam's own saftey, and from cultural distrust.

Iduskenny has programs in place to prevent culture shock as much as possible, and tends to wipe whether certain families are refugees or rebels of other countries from their records once they've settled. Refugees are given documents detailing their arrival to the country, which they can choose to keep until the war is over or burn. In Iduskenny, how you arrived in the country doesn't matter, so long as you respect the other citizens. As a result, Iduskenny is a cultural melting pot, with no two city being the same. They tend to live engrained in the land, and are one of few countries to be openly accepting to lycanthrope, another trait that turns away certain refugees.