Architherion OCs

Architherion, also known as 'Ancient Beasts' or 'Ultra Beasts', are any and all creatures formed from 'ultra particles'*. They don't reproduce nor need to consume energy to survive, however, predation is quite common as consuming others makes them more powerful.

'Ultra particles': Particles that come from a parallel dimension (not universe). Most if not all Architherion are particles that infiltrated our dimension and were created here (lore stuff, in simple words, architherion don't reproduce, instead a bunch of ultra particles and other components fuse together and create the individual).

I created them from the idea I had back when I was 14 and life was defined by three principals: reproduction, nutrition and interaction with environment. Basically from questioning if I got rid of some of those, would I still consider it alive? Architherion do not reproduce nor consume energy to survive, and that's their main characteristic, with some loop-holes, like the Rhayalas(species).