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For a faster reply, please ping/pm my main account Daycare_Dropoff

Hello there and thank you all so much for taking a look around my second account! This accounts main purpose is to store and sell all the ocs, I no longer use or feel should go to better homes

Even tho most of the designs on here might be considered low to medium quality, (almost) all of them still hold a special place in my heart, so please don't yell at me if I ever decline an offer ;v; 

The folders might not be corresponding to the attachment, I still have for the character as that changes a lot and I don't always remember to change the character's folder or to transfer them back to my main account.

Many of them are still on here from a time where I was embarrassed to have so many characters, but now I know that even tho it might not look like it, I do love each and every one of them, regardless of how many I have!

Thank you so much for reading all of this, I hope you can find something, you're interested in!