Late Bloomers

There are two breeds of humans: Ones with supernatural abilities, and ones without. The ones without are simply called Mortals, and are like any other person in reality. The ones with powers are known as Magix, and have a long history aside the mortals.

Tracing back to the very beginning, no one really knows how magix came to be. Perhaps it was a mutation that got bred into humanity’s genes, or an evolutionary breakthrough to cultivate a potentially dying species. Maybe it was aliens. Whatever the case, a plethora of humans with considerably inhuman or even unearthly abilities exist now, and increase with each passing year.

Originally thought of as witches and wizards, magix were cast away from mortals as mere mutants, devil’s work and what have you, excluded from humanity itself. This was primarily because of the complete randomness that was their powers. Any number of outcomes could occur from the birth of a magix, from simple things such as super strength and speed, to being able to bend the universe to their will. While the mortals actions towards magix were all agreed to be uncalled for, their fear was justifiable. 

However, as time went on, mortals and magix learned to accept each other. Some mortals considered magix to be better forms of humans, showering them with great respect, even revering the people as deities. Most just went with what they actually were: People with powers.

And a magix could be born from either two magix, or a magix and a mortal. The latter is sort of a roulette when it came to what the child would be, but they’d find out eventually. Most magix find their power(s) between the ages of ten and thirteen, though there are some who come early, and some who come late…