No Silver Linings


comic / graphic novel

In the year 2025, a resource and empathy starved world faces a threat it can no longer ignore. A virulent strain of a previously-assumed 'mild' pathogen sweeps accross the globe, quickly toppling governments and society in its wake. The Fall is complete after merely a year.

Beaten, broken, reduced to its most primitive self; the last of humanity have devolved into sparse settlements, usually hostile to outsiders. Those who find themselves out in the dead zones must struggle daily to survive; infected undead and fellow human survivors provide a constant threat- if the lack of food, water and shelter doesn't do the job first.

Precious few survived The Fall, and fewer still are immune. With rumors of a treatment facility cropping up on the horizon, those who discover their immunity are presented with an inticing lead to investigate. Unfortunately, there is only one way to find out you're immune. The hard way.

violence / gore
death / undead
mature themes