Parasol Pets

Created and written by Bendy/April_ONeil

A small, elderly man in a brightly colored cloak bows in greeting as your small boat lands on the shore, followed by a strange umbrella that seemed to float on it's own. He assists you with tying it to the makeshift dock made of dark, old wood, and bows once again, allowing a small smile to appear on his face.
"Welcome, traveler! It is not easy to make your way to our island. You have determination. That is good.
You're here to obtain the legendary Kasa-obake Kanshi-sha, are you not? You have traveled this far and have gone to great lengths for this. Your will is great, and your intentions pure. We shall grant your request.
Come into the temple, my friend. There is much for you to see."

What are Parasol Pets?

Parasol Pets are yokai- Japanese demons. They are descendants of the Kasa-obake, which is a yokai that comes to life when umbrellas become very old. They are in spirit form, though their energy bodies do have a mysterious mass to them. Called Kasa-obake Kanshi-sha (Umbrella Yokai Observer) by the ancients who tend to their sacred island of origin, these yokai are guardians. They are bound to a person, place or thing, and will continue to watch over their earthly treasure until it becomes no more. Most are benevolent, but if the ritual is done by a corrupted individual, it's possible that they could be used for... unpleasant means.
All Parasol Pets are "born" from a mystic scroll, which is hand designed by the ancients. They then practice their ritual, known to no others on earth, to bring the being to life. They are then bound to the ancients' thing of choice.
Depending on the symbolism and design of the scroll, Parasol Pets can have many different traits and abilities. However, there are few that are always present: 

  • The ability to fly. Parasols hate touching the ground and will do everything they can to not have to
  • The ability to mystically transport themselves to their bound object when separated from it
  • The ability to enter dreams and interact with the subconscious of those nearby
  • The ability to grow and shrink at will
  • The ability to become powerful shields of mystic energy in order to protect their bound object 
  • The ability to communicate by transferring images into the mind's eye

Can Parasol Pets breed?

Parasol Pets cannot breed, due to being created via the mystic arts and having no reproductive abilities whatsoever. However, you can sometimes find scrolls with symbols that are already filled with mystic energy. If you bring it out into the heavy rain in the night, sometimes they will transform into Parasol Pets without the need of an ancient to be present.

How do I care for my Parasol Pet?

You don't need to. They're a spirit, and don't need to eat or sleep. They don't get sick. They are there to protect and care for you.