Free to Use Bases

These are free to use for personal use (for adopts or just fun for yourself). HOWEVER, please read my rules before using:

  • You must give back credit to me, whether you keep the text in the image or remove it (preferably don't remove it though).
  • You may edit the the lines as you like to add accessories, change head/body shapes, etc.
  • DO NOT post these to any other website without my direct permission (dA is fine since you can find and credit me there too, same username)! If you DO get my permission, you still must give back credit, with a link back to this or the dA page. If you see this or any of my other linearts elsewhere without credit, IT IS STOLEN. Please notify me if you see this, thank you!
  • Last but not least, have fun~! Be sure to save these as either a .png or .gif file for best quality. Saving as .jpg will ruin the lines and make it much harder to color.

Feel free to message me here or on dA with any questions, thanks~!