Highway Stories

Characters from the 'Highway Stories' Universe(a world that use to have Pokémon and Yokai in it, honestly I'm surprised at how easy it was to change wear it wasn't just another Pokémon Alternative Universe). If you didn't know, Highway Stories is something that I'd though of since I was in year 6. One day... I want to make a comic series(or even an animated cartoon but let's not get ahead of myself, yet) about it, for now it just a folder with a bunch of characters in it. 

There no actual main character(s) but there are characters that are more important/relevant then others and will be tagged as such.

Warning: Some(it's a small amount but still important to mention) of these character might have triggering themes about them or in their backstory so if that alarms you, don't check it out. it's briefly mentioned on the profiles and I'm a little dense but just to let you know, I will try to put individual warnings.

By default, these characters aren't for offers(most don't even have proper designs yet), they're very important to my fictional world, even the less relevant characters.

Primary Characters

Secondary Characters

Tertiary Characters

(This isn't in measure in how attached I am to the character, more so for how relevant/important they are to my story)

Other/Minor Characters

Ailments tags because why not:

 Lawful good, Neutral good, Chaotic good

Lawful neutral, True neutral, Chaotic neutral

Lawful evil, Neutral evil, Chaotic evil