Alien Species

These are just the current alien species that exist in the universe of Highway Stories and, by extention, Techno Cowboy.

Redoing all of the current world maps since the existing ones look terrible and lack any info on the landscape. Also, I may need to replace a bunch of dead links.


There are gonna be lots of mentions of religion, morals and also questionable acts, and of course these aliens will think differently. Sometimes, they will have opinions or do things that we find controversial, although none of them think that this is more of a generalisation of what they're usually like.

Also, no, I don't agree with every single thing these aliens do, some of these guys have questionable morals.

Redesigning Pokemon Tertiary Secondary Neutral good Highstreet Chaotic neutral True neutral Lawful neutral Feral Anthro Lawful good Chaotic good Glowsworth Species Monster Hunter Humanoid Primary Nowhere Multiplexia