
Hell yeah, weird mixed species kids! Aliens capable of having offspring with aliens of difference species: Male Flooks, Kamegons, Koijins, Polargons, female Zincs, Zincaliods, Smonies and Cattapults.

Some Info about Hybrids in this world:

  • The sex of the parents would usually play a factor on what the child would look like. If a Kamegon was to give birth to a child, who's father is a Koijin, the child would more likely resemble the mother(Kamegon) more while also having bits and abilities from the father(Koijin).

  • Hybrids can only reproduce with the same species of whatever species their parents are or with the same hybrid species.

  • Some alien races can have mixed species offspring but can't directly give birth to one, Flooks can have biological hybrid offspring however female Flooks can't give birth to them due to the structure of their reproductive organs and system.