DunkleJesse's Bulletins

Bogo adoptables

Posted 3 months, 23 days ago by DunkleJesse

Hiya!! I’ve made a tag for characters in my trade folders that you can now get for free as an add on when trading for/buying a character! :3 I didn’t want to make a separate folder because I really like the current organization in there…but I’ll add a note to my purge post soon. You can kinda consider this early access lol, I’m hoping to encourage offers and get some guys rehomed!

Here’s the tag: https://toyhou.se/DunkleJesse/characters/tagged:bogo/folder:all 

And ofc my general trade folders just to make things easier! https://toyhou.se/DunkleJesse/characters/folder:120684

Thanks for reading, even if I suck at responding to messages I love and appreciate u guys<33

I honestly really hate to have to make a post like this, but I need to address this because the same character of mine has been heavily referenced twice in the past couple days without my permission in either case. 

I’m honestly very loose when it comes to this type of stuff usually, I don’t mind color picking and I’m never going to tell people they can’t take inspiration from my content, because that’s just inevitable. We all take inspiration from the things we see around us, and there’s nothing wrong with that! But I shouldn’t be immediately able to tell if a design is directly color picked or referenced from my character, especially without my permission. That’s when it borders on copying, and I’m not okay with that.

I’m resolving things independently with these creators, so I’m not going to mention names or anything like that, all I’m asking going forward is that you ask me about taking heavy inspiration from my characters at the very least. Chances are I’ll work with you and be okay with it if I know ahead of time. I don’t want to have to private characters or block people, so I’d really rather it not come to that.

Thank you for reading, I adore this platform and all you guys, and I appreciate all your support <3 I’m also very glad you like my characters! But as with most character owners, they’re special to me and it’s discouraging to see things like this happen. 

purge /nm

Posted 4 months, 6 days ago by DunkleJesse

hey, one of my friends is in need of urgent funds and is doing a little purge! https://toyhou.se/NekoAlexis/characters/folder:2885126 https://toyhou.se/25615166.adopts-for-sale i believe one or two of my designs are in there as well as some other goodies, feel free to check it out if you can!

cute little life update

Posted 4 months, 7 days ago by DunkleJesse

hewo, i just wanted to make a small bulletin about commissions n' stuff cuz my queue has gotten really big!! which i am not at all complaining about, i'm super honored and appreciative for all the support i've gotten for my work<3 but i just wanted to clarify a couple things because i'm always worried i'll accidentally make people think i'm not focusing on getting their stuff done LOL

1) i plan to bounce around my queue a little, so if it seems like i'm working on stuff that was commissioned more recently than yours, i promise it doesn't mean i'm skipping over you or forgetting what i owe you! i do whatever sounds the most fun at the time because the more engaged i am, the better the quality will be! :D

2) it's probably been noticed already but i do take breaks in between commissions for personal art, usually just doodles of new ocs and whatnot! it keeps me refreshed lol. but again i always worry people will see it and think i'm slacking or something so i wanted to mention it :3

3) and also a soft reminder that i update the queue in my unsorted folder very frequently, so if you're ever curious on the status of your commission feel free to check there, it'll always be visible to you! 

ok thats all thank you sm for all the support mwah mwah710e30c6.gif?v=dfc17534

freebie flipper psa

Posted 4 months, 10 days ago by DunkleJesse

https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1687052.psa-bonesandgroans i normally hate to get involved in any sort of conflict or drama (it scare me) but a mutual was kind enough to share this with me and i thought it might be good to share here as well! i don't usually care who my freebies go to, but making multiple accounts and roleplaying as different people just to hoard freebies and then trade them for stuff is really just um 😬 i found out i'd gifted a freebie to one of their alts before too and now it's on their main to be traded off lol. the psa has all their alt usernames so you can keep an eye out if this kind of thing puts you off!

EDIT: ALL OF THE ACCOUNTS GOT CLOSED RIGHT NOW OMG. i watched them all close help, the psa was posted a couple days ago so i have no idea what triggered them to suddenly close them all now unless toyhouse staff did it. omg lmao

guys i may be stupid

Posted 4 months, 16 days ago by DunkleJesse

so firstly thank you guys SO much for all the kind messages and wishes on my last bulletin, im sorry i didnt respond but i read and appreciate them all sm!! im just easily overwhelmed by notifications lol. secondly, i hate how stupid this is but like right after i posted that bulletin i started to feel better. not like a whole ton but enough to get some work done. like great thanks body, not complaining but like i had just accepted my fate,

anyways it's not 100% certain as of rn but basically right around the time this all started i happened to have pink drinks from starbucks like...2-3 days in a row, which isnt really something i'd done before, and as it turns out, coconut milk can cause reactions in those with ibs (i have ibs, im not ashamed stand up my fellow tummy hurties), and ive been feeling better for enough time to determine this definitely wasnt a stomach bug, so...chances are i poisoned myself with starbucks pink drinks. yes im still gonna get pink drinks. in moderation.

ANYWAYS thank u for being so supportive as always, will have new content for u soon<33

slowing down a little /imp

Posted 4 months, 18 days ago by DunkleJesse

hihi, this isn't extremely serious or anything so dw, but basically i'm having some health issues and it's making me slow down on my work a lot. i think it's a stomach bug? admittedly i'm not sure and it's not even like, deadly or anything as far as i'm aware, my pain/discomfort levels are at like a 4 lol. the real problem is i'm a serious hypochondriac and when i get sick, especially if i don't know the cause, i become depressed and hopeless within 48 hours and begin preparing my will. so basically my brain thinks i'm on my death bed and i kinda begin to act like a dog when you put clothes on them and they just stand there refusing to move LMAO

the discomfort is a lot worse when i'm sitting at my desk for some reason, so it's genuinely hard to do even personal art rn. in the coming days bee may take over the coloring for some of my owed pieces, if that makes you uncomfortable please dont hesitate to tell me! she's a very good colorist tho, i myself am not even that good at it ngl

so yes thank you for reading, i'll do my best to keep up with my owed work and i really appreciate the support sm <3 the quality of my line art won't change, i refuse to rush or become sloppy with things, it just likely will take longer than usual29067f0d.gif?v=dfc17534

new ych! (nm)

Posted 4 months, 22 days ago by DunkleJesse

bee made her own ych and it's so GOOD (also technically cheaper than mine wowee) https://toyhou.se/25369401.dolls-ych-12-18

would you guys enjoy ychs?

Posted 4 months, 30 days ago by DunkleJesse

ychs? owo

3 Votes make ones of your existing bases
13 Votes make ones with new bases/options
0 Votes not interested

i was thinking of maybe offering stuff like that...maybe even with my existing shipping bases, but just offering to fill them for you lol. they'd be commissions but definitely cheaper since it'd be pretty easy for me to fill them hehe