

On a planet far away from earth, animals developed in a different way. There was no evolution from ape to human, but lots of other species started to walk on two legs. First of them were big cat species and larger canine breeds. They developed to what we now call Anthro Felines and Anthro Canines. Since these two species were the first, they became the leaders. 

Canines were the ones, starting to build houses, discover electricity and live a life as we know it now. Though they got even further. The Anthro Canines from Anatoy - thats the name of the planet - also discoverd space traveling. They are a futuristic culture now adays.

Felines though, preferred to stay with nature. They still hunt for their food with bow and arrow, or speer. They still build up tent like homes, they can move easily. Only some of their buldings are made of stone. And thats their temples. While Canines tend to live like we humans in cities, or in small villages, Felines tend to live in small groups with around twenty members. They still call those groups their "pride". Each pride is lead by either one individual, or a pair. When the current leader chooses a mate, they will lead as a pair. And their children will be the heirs. When the leader stays allone or a pair has no children, they choose a new leader through a fight.

dog lion canine art f lionking Elementals