EsperanzaAnsioso's Bulletins

Seeking Xynthii

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by EsperanzaAnsioso

I've recently decided to give into the want of these amazing creatures. I've acquired one as I absolutely love her. So now I'm seeking a partner for her.

I don't have much to offer aside from art from my own two hands. 

What I draw will depend on quality of xynthii and if they have extra art.

Id appreciate it if I were noted if anyone was interested in the trade off! 

Looking for:
-Femmy or butch
-Can be hybrid
-Female or female presenting

Ive exhausted most sites im on except this one which is weird since im on this site as much as I am on fA.

But basically I'm in a tight spot. Or rather , my household is. And in the only person who legitly wants to help but I cant because I'm not allowed to work [[Docs orders]]. So I figured to help how I could. Drawing.

My other comm works aren't doing squat anywhere so ive concluded to offering up some NSFW work. Theyd be traditional mostly because I usually like my nsfw work when its sketched because if I try to color it it comes out weird looking. Plus I wouldn't mind the practice either.

Currently I need to be able to pay my phone bill [which is like 90$ for a shitty ass phone. Go Metro right??] If my phone goes off on disconnected. From everything. And the important thing for me at this moment is making sure it stays on. Second is our PG&E because if that shit goes off its v bad for my bearded dragon son.

I'm willing to take a few. I'm pricing it as is for a sketch because NSFW work isn t something I usually turn to for aid but here we are =w= if interested in that it even my other comms please send a message my way yeah?

Digital comms here just in case

And I also have 5$ bust sketches open too [[ traditionally]]

If anything is wonky on here sorry!!! I'm typing this on my phone @~@

LF:Albino babs

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by EsperanzaAnsioso

 I think I posted about this over on my fA some time ago but I stopped looking because then I was also like 

I can MAKE my own albino bab!

So I tried but then I couldn't. My designing skills are really shot of as late and that made me sad so I just stopped trying to design one.
So now I'm back at it again with seeking.
As I normally state, I don't have much to give aside from my own hands.
Which basically means I can doodle stuff up for you in trade for whatever design is it offered that I like.
I'm not sure what species I want but I do know I won't mind anthros, humanoids, possibly ferals [they usually become pets to already made OCs if not Asha.]

So uhm..yeah. I always feel silly about this but it also helps with my art blocks as well when I receive a new baby and they usually fit in real quick too with my others.


Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by EsperanzaAnsioso

I know I've been posting a bunch of bulletins but Art fight is back on line and Im so ready to go!

Come at me mans >:V

The Day is Over

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by EsperanzaAnsioso


I was gonna work on stuff from my freebie thread but I never got to it because I was getting a YCH thingie ready and then I don't know where the time went.
I kind of wanted to do a doodle for the 4th with Asha and some fur buds messing with sparklers but I didn't put up the journal on fA like I wanted and then I remembered I don't exactly got any fur friends....well I don't really got friends to do many drawings with.

ah this turned into a small rant bull. But that's ok.  beh :V 

The Day is Over

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by EsperanzaAnsioso


I was gonna work on stuff from my freebie thread but I never got to it because I was getting a YCH thingie ready and then I don't know where the time went.
I kind of wanted to do a doodle for the 4th with Asha and some fur buds messing with sparklers but I didn't put up the journal on fA like I wanted and then I remembered I don't exactly got any fur friends....well I don't really got friends to do many drawings with.

ah this turned into a small rant bull. But that's ok.  beh :V 

Art Fight:Update

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by EsperanzaAnsioso

So along with book marks not working...I can't seem to post either.
The character tags and username check ins aren't responsive.
I also can't clean out notifications.
Right now it reads I've '3' but in reality there's at least 8 or so in my notification page and I can't clear those either.

So no widgets are but you can sure as hell lurk on the website.
I'll probably have a small collection of art to post once the site is running better.
Which ins't too bad but is still a big bummer.

and for some reason lately I've wanting monsters with like....lots of ojos or just one ojo.
I have no idea why.
Also still kinda want me some more albino babs.

Ugh art fight

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by EsperanzaAnsioso

Art fight is still being really shitty with me. And it's making me sad because I really wanna be in this years war.

Anyone else still having issues?

If so, what are you're alternatives?
I've thought of maybe making an art fight journal specifically for attacks or something but Idk.

Kinda bumming myself out because it's not working.

*sinks into over sized tea cup* ;A; 

ArtFight trouble?

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by EsperanzaAnsioso

What team are you?

0 Votes Team Tea [yassss]
1 Votes Team Coffee [ :V ]
0 Votes I'm team Tea. Was hard because I like both
0 Votes Team CoffeeTea :V

art fight has been down all day from me but I haven't seen any updates since this early afternoon on the discord.

Is anyone else still having trouble?

Rp Partners?

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by EsperanzaAnsioso

Been really wanting to do some rping but I ain't got no buddies to rp anything with my OCs and its kind of bumming me out. Anyone in the market for some rp buds?