Fae Forest

Fae Forest

A dark and mystical looking forest, all kinds of faes lives here, the main inhabitant are the faefoxes. This forest is ruled by the faerie king Necco, you've heard that he is benevolent and nice. It is said that the faes are able to grant wishes... with a price. It is also said that they are extremely cunning and dangerous creatures, do not trust them.

The faes in the forest are unnervingly friendly and welcoming.
You do not want to be here

You also see ruins outside of the forest, some nice and chatty local faes inform you that it's the remain of a once bustling little town called Winderham. None wanted to disclose what had happened. Some even seems... a lil scared to talk about what happened, but they're happy to tell you how good of a town it used to be.

Not For Trade fyre pls draw feral need element feline Forever Homed humanoid canine winged Need element want art green artfight Anomaly anthro human Ivory dragon Weapon Feral