The Higherverse

An alternate world filled with more heavenly/fairy tale-like boas. The world is rumored to be vast, open and flowing with milk, honey, and riches; It is a glorious place that most boas dream of finding. Those who live here are free to do as they please, as long as they are kind and holy.
Easter eggs are speculated to originate from here, and pop up randomly (10 at a time), nicely stacked in a golden dish that is hung from a tree nearby the breeding burrows (and they can be taken from the dish by leaving an offering of 5 nanabucks per each egg taken). More boas favor these eggs, since they give royal/beautiful babies, and they are rumored to have heavenly genes.

The only known way to get into this dimension (that only those who are close with Huie know of) is a portal located in the housing part of the Candy-McCorbin's Sweets Shop.