Candyland 💉


Placeholder title for legal reasons (Hasbro Don't Sue Me Challenge.)


Plot Synopsis: WIP

Dimension: 669


  • Polyphage - Possibly just a continuation, but in this Jack is able to convince Rubina to let him stay with her. But then they both have to bare witness to his wretched transformation brought on by the Tall Grove attack, that Jack tries to pass off as a chronic illness he has dealt with his whole life. [Pinterest]
  • Death By Chocolate - Technically this is the original, and everything else is an AU, but preference has changed that. In this much darker version, Jack dies along with Mac and Joseph during the riot. He is still tortured, and expires gruesomely that way, because Ruby never rescues him.

Established: ???

Links: [Tumblr] [Pinterest]

Human Male White Thin Brown Hair Female Black Hair Blond Hair Blue Eyes Black Eyes Fat Jewish Monster Brown Eyes Demon Glasses Red Hair Dead Green Eyes Disabled