
Generals are the third rank below the Guardians and Acolytes. The help run the everyday functions of the Guild such as sending at patrols, training, and missions. They help the guardians keep the ranks on their feet when they cannot overview the ranks themselves. Blainely created the rank due to the guardians being absent because of their training and there not being a very big number of high ranks to take on the responsibility. 

Generals can do their own bounties and jobs on their own when they wish. 

Training- The general in charge of training leads new recruit into becoming members of the Guild. Formally they were responsible for the training of inters who went to the Guild just to train in their elemental power. Taylon is the general in charge of training. 

Patrols- Patrols are groups of Guild members that go out and scout around the Guilds territory or in needed areas of interest to the Guild themselves.  These members can generally just be patrolling members if the wanted to. Tyson leads as the Patrolling Captain, even going on patrols himself. 

Missions- Yenva leads of the Mission Captain. She assigns missions to everyone in the Guild through the Mission Board, even creating groups of her own to lead on extreme missions.