Warrior Cats

rise____the_next_journey_by_sanara1-dc2iMy Rise Characters. Folder is a big WIP

About the Clan:

The cats living in this Clan are not the strongest or fastest of all cats. They all have their very own personality, looks and talents. It´s on the leader to decide about every cats place in the Clan. The ones that are good in stalking prey and caring for the clan are rather trained in hunting. The strong, brave ones are focusing to learn new moves to protect their clanmates and patrol the borders. Each cat can do what they can the best. But it was not always like that. The origins of BirchClan lay far in the past, where a cruel leader called Brokenstar forced cats to do insane things they were not capable of doing. Brokenstar wanted to fight the twolegs that just started setteling around the Clans territory. It wasn´t even a real Clan. There was no StarClan and no Warrior Code. It was more of a loose group living together to stay alive. One day, Brokenstar was chasing a stray out of the territory, when a omen of the stars fell from the sky. A loud, blinding lightning struck down and landed in a birch tree right in front of Brokenstar. The tree fell, Brokenstar died and a part of the forest burnt down where now the Deathlands are. It was already too late for the once great and prideful Clan, most cats were sick, died of starvation or left into banishment. Now, almost a decade later, the greatgranddaughter of the former medicine cat (which were allowed to have kits back then) got a sign from StarClan to find the kin of BirchClan and make them to a mighty clan again. (275 words)

feline Warriors dalmatian hyena feral Rise dog male canine spotted Urban wings warriorcats dark themed Kunar Volk Galaxy Warrior Street angel hound WarriorCats