Territory Info


"The brave and loyal"


                                                                                                                                                                           Made with inkarnate

Territory description: 

BirchClans territory is in the heart of an Pine and Birchforest where it is cold and snowing most time of the year. Their camp is on the very edge of the territory, laying safe between soft hills and the bottom of the mountains. Not far from the camp is a middle sized lake, which is partly marshland. The pinewood on the left territory side has dark green grass coverd in soft pine needles. The right side is a beautiful birchforest, which also gave the Clan it´s name. The forest is the main source of prey for the Clan, next to fishing in the beautiful river flowing near the twolegplace. The twolegs swim in huge wooden monsters in the river and scare away most fish in greenleaf, but luckily they rarely cross the river and only use the path on the westborder to reach the next twolegplace. The Clan can still fish in the Lake near the camp. There is also a place called Ruins of Healing where all kind of herbs grow. They are neccesary for the clans survival as there grow herbs like catmint, which is found nowhere else in the territory (at least not discovered yet). The heart of the territory is the Gathering tree. This is where apprentices train fighting and where the Clan leader holds ceremonys like giving apprentices their warrior name. In the east are two of the most beautiful, but also most dangerous parts of our territory. The Sunstones, which are a great place for warriors, elders and all other cats to enjoy sun and the soothing sound of running water.  But there are also the Deathlands, which is a forbidden place for all cats of BirchClan. Which was once part of the beautiful birchwoods is now a dead, burnt down place. Only dead trees and unfertile lands remain. There live predators like vultures or coyotes and wolves. Because of that the cats have to wander through the mountains to reach their holy place, the Soulstone Cave. It is a place where the medicine cats and leaders meet the StarClan, receive omens and the leaders get their nine lives. Everything behind the borders is called Farlands and the members of the clan are strictly forbidden to go there.  (373 words)

Soulstone Cave (View from inside, it is higher than the camp):


Soulstone cave entrance:
