Impostor AU

∙ • Impostor AU • ∙

∙ Its darkness poured into our world and created hopeless hatred... ∙

Not so long ago, a human tasked with saving the pokemon world had turned its back on the inhabitants. Due to the works of Dark Matter and Nuzleaf, the souls of pokemon have become trapped in stone; forcing them into another dimension called the "Voidlands". Now the world spirals closer and closer to the sun with no savior in sight with most pokemon already accepting their fate. Creatures are known as "Void Shadows" entraps and then take the likeness of friends, family, and other 'mons alike. The Void Shadows consume a pokemon to everlasting darkness with no escape. Fear and dismay encompass the land when there was once hope and vigor, now, pokemon no longer look at the sky where the Door of Light once shimmered.

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Code by 00Ishikawa00