GROUMORE's Bulletins

.. its the first of june

Posted 9 days, 18 hours ago by GROUMORE

if you have HOMOHPBOES TRANSPHOBES TERFS in your dni.. BLOCK ME! i HATE the lgbt and i will go into HINERNATION this month. INDONT WANT TO SEEA SINGLE GAY FLAG I SWEAR IM GONNA BLOW !!!!!!!! MY PRINOUNS ARE GOD/BLESA/ANERICA 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏈

mag update #18

Posted 19 days, 10 hours ago by GROUMORE

is ohio gronk rizzibg all over the skibibi lvl10 g

8 Votes fridi fazber hur hur hur hur
0 Votes wjay

i just realised i havent made one of these in a month and havent really been posting on here U_U guh

ive been in a weird state lately. i call it depression but maybe im just lazy. i havent been having the motivation to socialise with anyone and only do it in short bursts when i feel like it but other than that i just have no will or drive to talk to people or do anything. all i do is draw cats play mc or write until i have to go to work and sleep for the rest of my time so. lifes been pretty boring without school

the weird part is that i never find myself bored. when im bedrotting and feeling my teeth rot out of my skull from not brushing them and smelling like garbage until i have the motivation to shower i have more than enough things to do. bored? draw a cat. dont wanna draw? write something. dont have any ideas? play mc or tfm until i get a headache. go to bed, rinse and repeat

putting it in words makes me seem a lot more hopeless than i thought : | perhaps its joever for me but hey. im cruisin. i had to get rehired at subway bc new owners took over and changed a bunch of shit and now i get direct deposit biweekly so i only have $5 to my name at the moment .. had to choose between youtube premium and discord nitro and you already know ya boy took premium so i can have slop on all day and listen to music ad free on yt music at work fuck nitro.. im just sad my subscriber since 15 july 2022 badge will disappear but what can you do

tldr its joever for me and all i have left is fraises and a village im building in mc goodnight


Posted 1 month, 16 days ago by GROUMORE

i have an art bomb to drop. i have adopts in the oven and lore to write !! i had 1k notifs by the time i could use my phone but yk what. its ok. i had FUN! im just glad to be back on solid ground the ship was swaying like crazy when we were coking back bc the mf engine broke and we were gonna be late to the port TT_TT lots of people missed their flights bc this raggedy ass ship

GLAD TO BE BACK !! look forward to regular mag posts

mag update #17

Posted 2 months, 21 hours ago by GROUMORE

i've been doing so good lately : ) my trello is dwindling down, and i've been doing good on not adding on hard comms or art offers and it's great i feel good today

i've been in a much better mood lately, i've been drawing more and the purge stuff has been a huge weight off my chest because i have this thing where if i have a character i want to use them and if i don't use them i feel bad so having less to focus on feels really good. . and money is great. thank you everyone who offered, it meant more than you know U_U / <3

i'm writing more which is great and i'm actually confident with my art.. i still hate using references so i'm going to stagnate for the next billion years but i'm in a good place 

i plan on actually working on cerulean speedway and the cult b-plot, and in the background i keep adding clans to tails from the seas someone tell me to stop 😢

i'm not back to normal and i won't be for a while, but for now i feel good : ) my spring break starts on the 15th and the cruise my parents are forcing me on starts on the 18th that i'll be back from in a week! i do need the break from, everything

speaking of break !! i have my discord notifications turned completely off, and it's been so good TT__TT i didn't realise how much i depend on those notifs to feel good, it's awesome to like. idk. live and only check discord when i want or when i forget and i feel bad that i left my poor fever all alone </3 

i've been playing minecraft more because i actually learned how to make packs and shaders work it's awesome. i took some days to build a house and i haven't felt comfort like that in a while U//_//U these days i only transformicemaxx and minecraftmaxx and it's awesome. fuck any other game or activity 

tl;dr i temporarily feel good. angemo design coming soon


Posted 2 months, 7 days ago by GROUMORE

everyone except cherry is offerable ☹️ resale much preferred only taking trades from my favourite designers 

mag update #16

Posted 2 months, 19 days ago by GROUMORE

havent been doing the greatest these past few days art wise

ive been drawing cats more and because im not very familiar with cat anatomy and references frustrate me so yk. all my art is bad now 

thankfully my queue isnt as bad as before cus. id be on my suicidal shit rn knowing i have loads of work to do and i cant. fucking draw

otherwise ive been cruising. i took my sats and i sent my scores to two colleges im interested in so well see how that plays out 

i feel like. empty in a way? nothings really going for me and i feel like im just looking for things to do to pass the time and since im not drawing as much as i used to which took up most of my time im just. rotmaxxing or transformicemaxxing now i spent 5 dollars on fraises its so joever

losing attachments to my ocs without story so ive been creating some storylines to yk. fit them somewhere. otherwise my entire th if eo if youre reading this offer on anyone and 2 for 1s are highly preferred to cut down

im thinking of new clans for tails from the seas too : ) the best part about worldbuilding is that since you have an already established world you can just add more shit in and it fits its crazy thats why i love the main storyline and oshine and all the gods and all that cus you can add people anywhere and it works i love writing 

anyway if you are interested in that kitty lore its xenophanes boooo booo im plugging it again also if you want to play transformice with me im groumore smiiilleee 

mag update #15

Posted 2 months, 24 days ago by GROUMORE

good morning : ]

havent been drawing a lot lately.. realising ive been writing a lot more and not only is it taking up all of my time but its probably my alternative creative output rather than drawing .. jus speculation

i keep telling myself not to add owed and finish off the few comms and raffle gifts im sitting on but ouuuuugh its taking forever and i have plans coming up for spring break so i want to not have anything to do by then but even so i figure ill probably try to draw on the trip so IDK. well figure it out

im making more stories and and doing more worldbuilding at least so personal art is more than Draw that twink again and more Draw that twink again or warrior cats interacting with established relationships (ive been doing a lot of warrior cats recently as we know) follow xenophanes for more cat content boioiwoiwoiowijg boiiiing boiiing eyes pop out of head wooaaagghh 

anyway. my brothers gf is coming over for breakfast while shes visiting family and i dont want to help do nothing so IM gonna pass out and do a irl timeskip ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ