GalacticJaguar's Bulletins

ArtFight Hitlist

Posted 2 days, 22 hours ago by GalacticJaguar 

Saw some people doign their hitlist early this year and decide to make one as well, this way I won't be desperetly hunting characters down when the month starts lol

Link here: 

feel free to send a specific idea, even an specific idea!

Like the other years I won't be picking a team, so is random

I don't care much about the game itself, just making art (it is great for practing!) So feel free to attack even if you're on the same team!

I'll do my best to revenge all attacks!


Posted 11 months, 13 days ago by GalacticJaguar

I don't have a team yet, but I do friendly fire and revenge >:3

Coming back this years, I want to draw a lot!

RAffle! Nm

Posted 11 months, 13 days ago by GalacticJaguar

SnailTail MYO Event

Posted 11 months, 14 days ago by GalacticJaguar