
Village hidden in the unknown

不詳(Fushou) meaning "unknown, unidentified, unspecified".

An actually hidden village. Only its inhabitants know of its existence. Those who graduate as ninja are given their hitai-ate but they are only allowed to be used inside the village as the inhabitants don't want anyone outside of them to know of their existence. When their ninja are given missions outside of the village they are restricted from showing their hitai-ate and must either leave it inside the village or hide it on themselves with some very good security and they have to pose as normal civilians.

The Shihaisha(what they call the leader of their village)is chosen by the inhabitants of the village every ten years with a democratic vote and there are several candidates to choose from with the former Shihaisha also being allowed to be re-elected. Whenever a new person is elected to be the Shihaisha the current Shihaisha has to teach them as much as possible how to be a good Shihaisha in the span of a year, and when the year is over the new Shihaisha takes the place of the old one.

The village houses a few Uchiha descendants that only the kage knows of, their ancestor once abandoned Konohagakure by faking their death and went on the run, they were found by the kage of that time and were offered protection, which the Uchiha reluctantly accepted. The Uchiha never used their last name again and posed as an orphan and always used a pair of glasses that no-one would be able to see through in case they would have to activate their Sharingan(and is something all their descendants use too). All was well until they met their future partner that they eventually revealed the truth since they wanted a baby and was afraid that their offspring would also get the Sharingan. Their partner accepted them, and ever since the descendants of the Uchiha, their partner, and the Shihaisha have been the only people aware of the truth.