Team Amped


   Approved by the Rhythmic Adventurer's Guild on Tempo Island, Team Amped is now a certified Explorers Team. The trio had completed their beginner's education and passed, granting them the ability to take on real missions and provide aid to the rest of Rhythm City. Starry eyed and ready to take on the world, Glam, Anarchy, and Vinyl are jumping straight in.

Tempo Island Details

    Tempo Island is an small landmass that off shoots from a much larger region nearby. It's inhabited by various wild Pokemon and entirely devoid of humankind. With that said, humans have not left the island undisturbed; while there's absolutely no travel allowed to the island itself, trash and human made memorabilia frequently lines its shores.

    The island got its name from the almost fast rhythmic sounds that echo throughout it during the day; somehow, the waves and wind intersects perfectly with the large cavern systems that majorly outline the island to the point where it makes naturally occurring music. Its sounds and speed changes based on seasons, allowing the wild Pokemon to keep track of time and holidays.

    Instead of human-made domains, towns and cities established by Pokemon can be frequently found on Tempo Island. These areas typically feature Explorer Guilds, all with their own unique backgrounds and mottos.

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