
cunning • honourable • brave

The group of cats that reside in the Crystal Song Forest have adapted perfectly to the strange lands they call home. A large and dense sprawling forest is surrounded by mountains on all sides. The seasons come and go, seeming to remain warm at all times. The passage of seasons is marked by the rain. It is either Rainfall or it is Sundry. For the most part, the large branches of trees stretching overhead keep the cats sheltered from the cool rains and the hot sun. The place they reside in within their territory seems to be an abandoned eastern shrine of sorts. A large overgrown tree branches out in the central section and not far away a koi pond with fish still swimming in the shade of the arching bridge lies. Cherry Blossoms and Willows and many bushes and flowers fill the area keeping it smelling sweet and of flowers. There seems to have once been walls that surrounded the area but time and weather have devoured away at the stone brick, vines and moss delicately trail along with the fallen stones. The forest throughout it here and there has crystals that flare with light at night, glowing in cool blues, greens, and purples. They range in size from the size of a baseball to the size of a small car. Towards the south-eastern edge of the territory is a small farm with fields trailing up the mountains filled with water and rice plants growing. Near this house is another field, filled with big, tall blue windflowers. The cats of this forest tell tales of ghost flames that lead cats off into the night to never be seen again, huge foxes with many, many tails that trick cats out of their meals and creatures that live in the river that flows through their territory, lying in wait, lurking. There are tales of cats whose tails split and are guides, helping and aiding the group as well. The cats here are incredibly superstitious and close to their ancestors.

