Black Market

An area where crime runs rampant and inhabitants aren't known for following the rules. 

Those who live here tend to live what many would call a doulbe life. They look normal on the outside and blend in perfectly fine, but their true colors show once they step foot back inside the district. Most here wouldn't be considered normal; hell, a lot of them here wouldn't say they are either, but all of them have their own reasonings behind doing what they do. Some want money and power, others may just want a way to live, and one...just out for revenge.

Known Shops/Occupations:

Gertrude's Butcher Shop: Everyone's gotta eat at some point. Whether it's old meat that's ben thrown out or the "special variety," everyone gets the chance to pick up some decent meat. You could also say she a Mila work quite closely with one another. 

Mila's Doctors Office: Seeing that she's already doctor on the surface, it makes sense for her to have her own office down hear as well. Pay her enough and the procedure might go well. If not...well don't be surprised if the wound is worse than what it already was before. And if you hear any screaming in the not to go down there. Trust don't wanna go down there.

Gwenna's Pub: