Layouts / Codes

Directory Layouts/Codes

Available codes can be found on my coding account: HestiaCodes.

I recommend using Circlejourney's Code Editor if you want to edit the codes more easily.

Terms of Service & Notes

- Please do not delete credits -
- Do not steal, pretend, or make profit from my codes -
- Do not redistribute my codes without my permission -
- You don't have to but leave a comment if you use any of my codes. I'd love to see how others use them! -

• The old layouts are still available, but I will no longer answer questions related to these layouts.
I'm still taking requests, but I might not be very fast because it stresses me a bit too much to do everything quickly (thanks to the stupid perfectionism that makes me anxious, ahah). Even if I don't necessarily answer you, I take all the requests into account it's just that my social anxiety takes over, ahah).
• I can sometimes rush to finish a layout (when I get too anxious or when depression rings at my door). So if you find any mistakes or omissions, don't hesitate to send me a message to let me know.
• Old layouts work on mobile but the background is not adapted to be viewed on mobile.

If I don't delete this folder, it's to avoid moving my personal codes so that I can find them again more quickly (without having to log on to the other account all the time).