SKY: children of light UNIVERSE

world Name SKY
GENRE Fantasy
Government type Monarchy
weather ☀🌤☁🌧🌩🌨❆
headcanon type Fanmade

REALMS (present day)
  • Isle of Dawn
  • Daylight Priaire
  • Hidden Forest
  • Valley of Triumph
  • Golden Wasteland
  • Vault of Knowledge
  • Eye of Eden

kingdom territory name (current)
  • Dawn Empire
  • Ville of Prairie
  • Forest Landia
  • Valley Kingdom
  • GoldenLand
  • Vault Castle
  • Imperial Eden
  • Hill Trials of Prophecy
  • Daylight Tradehouse
  • The Sacred Forest Temple
  • WindPath Port
  • Warrior of Light Institute
  • DreamLight Agency
  • Knowledge Light Temple
  • Gatekeeper Cathedral
Unauthorized ORGANIZATION (current)
  • Sieben Senate (witch cult)
  • Penguin Club
  • Dreamy Theatre House

admins: AnzSketch

Credit: SKY world concept Headcanon by AnzSketch, SKY:COTL belongs to ThatGameCompany.


Isle-backdrop-icon.png Prairie-backdrop-icon.png Forest-backdrop-icon.png Valley-backdrop-icon.png Wasteland-backdrop-icon.png Vault-backdrop-icon.png Eden-backdrop-icon.png



image_8.png 7_Days_Wasteland.png


  • isle of dawn Base Language: Central Europe

  • daylight prairie Base Language: Southeast Asia

    hidden forest Base Language: East Asia

    valley of triumph Base Language: North America

    golden wasteland Base Language: Central Europe

    vault of knowledge Base Language: Northwest Europe

    eye of eden Base Language: Southwest Asia


  • Days of Bloom
  • Days of Color
  • Days of Feast
  • Days of Fortune
  • Days of Giving
  • Days of Healing
  • Days of Love
  • Days of Mischief
  • Days of Music
  • Days of Nature
  • Days of Summer
  • Days of Summer Light
  • Days of Sunlight
  • Aurora Festival
  • Winter Thanksgiving
  • New Year Celebration

About The World

Have you ever wonder, why our Lord create this world?

A world of better life, everyone dreamed that. Where there's only peace between, no wars, no crime... But this world already corrupted as it is, there's no way to cure it. Corrupted humans, or so we call, sinners. They create the unfair world where there's no true justice in it. Taking over the civilization, corrupting it by sins. Our Lord punish our corrupted world by ending its life, sending disaster to our earth and clear everthing. But our Lord still loves his creations, Lord giving us second chance by only wipe out only 60% of us, re-create our civilization back from the stone ages wheres theres no technology in it. But Lord gives us a blessing, a blessing of light power. Lord trust us that we will create a better world, By it's blessing we given, we can fly just like birds, we blessed with long age and our beauty stay young. Lord promise us that we will be reincarnated with our memories stays once we are reborn, thus as the replacement of balance, we only can bear one child.

The prophecy continues, story to be told, The humans that now have light power search for a place to live. Landed on an island, searching and exploring, creating a new civilization. And so they did, they create a better world with peace. They divided by 7 area, with each have it's leader. Isle, Prairie, Forest, Valley, GoldenLand, Vault, and Imperial Eden. The imperial is the main leader of all, Elder of eden, a very wise man who rule the civilization. Everyones admires him, include the elder of vault who is in relationship with him. But those admirations and love he got from everyone made him greedy, his pride high enough that these sins corrupted his mind, He want to surpass Lord as he think that he is better and more fair, with the power of light he wanted to be God. The greed, pride, jealousy, wrath, glutton, lust, all become one. The darkness eat and taking control of him. Making him a monster. He no longer have light in him.

Everyone was in sorrow, Their great leader has become a monster than no one could ever imagined. They have no choice but to fight him, For centuries they had fight to make the elder of eden come back to his senses. But the darkness are too strong that it eat up everything. The black dragon attack, many has fallen in Goldenland, Forest become corrupted by dark rain, They could no longer let the darkness eat up everything. Thus, all the remaining elders decided to sacrifice themselves to seal elder of eden. To keep him in one place and not corrupt others. They sacrifice all of their light and their soul to seal him down, hoping that their childerns in future can purify him with their pure light.

The great war of corruptions has ended, but the battle still continues. For centuries, for the generations, We fight for what has been lost, we have mission of carry our elders hope to bringing it back. The childern of light have duty to become a warrior of light, or taking care of the civilization. The isle has become Isle of dawn, the GoldenLand become The golden wasteland, and the forest has become the Hidden forest, last... the imperial become Eye of Eden. The paradise world that they have created has no longer be the same. The cycles repeats as everyone who sacrificed at Eye of Eden being reborn again. Making this cycle of endless battle with the hope of someday we will take back whats has been lost, History continues, a new chapter has been created.

World Map


World Mechanism

To be Added.

Source of Life

To be Added.


To be Added.


To be Added.


To be Added.

World Timeline

To be Added.

900 yrs ago

  • Chapter 0: Human Evolution

    Event description. Can be as long or as short as you want. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean at tellus id dui rutrum vehicula.


  • Chapter 1: World War Period

    Event description. Can be as long or as short as you want. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean at tellus id dui rutrum vehicula.


  • Chapter 2: Revolution Era

    Event description. Can be as long or as short as you want. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean at tellus id dui rutrum vehicula.


  • Chapter 3: Isolation Period

    Event description. Can be as long or as short as you want. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean at tellus id dui rutrum vehicula.


  • Chapter 4: Re-Civilization Era

    Event description. Can be as long or as short as you want. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean at tellus id dui rutrum vehicula.


  • Chapter 5: Present Day

    Event description. Can be as long or as short as you want. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean at tellus id dui rutrum vehicula.
Timeline era: Ch.1

  • lore

Write something here.

TIMELINE era: Ch.2

  • lore

Write something here.

TIMELINE era: Ch.3

  • lore

Write something here.

TIMELINE era: Ch.4

  • lore

Write something here.

Timeline era: Ch.5

  • lore

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