Unknown Artists

Most of these were on Amino, I know most of them were gotten legitly, but I have lost their information, or they left amino.
Please dm me to either let me credit, or if you think it may have been stolen from another user and sold to me, please absolutely tell me.  <3
I have not gotten rid of any of the ones from amino, because I still love most of them.  <3
Furry Amino- Veni (Spacemutt Studios) or Jim
Adopts- Socks (SpaceMutt Studios)
Coin Adopts- Deku (SpaceMutt Studios)

Honestly, I usually will have SpaceMutt Studios, so if you sold one of these guys to someone with that, would definitely maybe be me.  lol

closed species cs quintovo adopt Closed Species Korpis Closed species species anthro furry original species humanoid Toxacat Vinzaether design dragon zigzah Adopt closedspecies Alien li0nezdesign