
- Bayclan Territory;

Bayclan territory is open and intense, often taking the full brunt of the elements. The vegetation covered dunes and large rocks act as a sort of shelter. The shallow waters of the bay offer a comfortable fishing ground during good days, and when fish are low the clan can always count on seabirds to help fill their stomachs. Clean water is less abundant.

- Bayclan camp;

Bayclan camp resides in an old ship wreck, which provides them the most shelter from the elements. Due to the wreck resting on the dunes it has been taken over by vegetation. A little further up the beach there is a whale skeleton, which is often used for clan meetings. It is also used for holding ceremonies.

- Bayclan ideals;

Bayclan cats deal with one of the toughest territories, which also leads to them having tougher mindsets. They value strength and endurance, and believe that the intensity of their home leads to them being more refined, individually and as a clan, (They are also the most muscular of the clans). They don't take disrespect lightly and will fight to uphold their beliefs.

- Bayclan past-times;

They enjoy collecting pretty rocks, bones and seashells, and use them to decorate their nests, give to their loved ones, and even trade them. They also enjoy swimming, exploring the dunes and sunbathing. Bayclan cats tend to avoid leaving camp at night though, they say if you do leave you'll hear the call of the deep, and be tempted to follow. Whatever you do, don't follow.
